Enforcement of the I-35W HOT lane facility is limited by scarcity of safe shoulder areas along the corridor to observe and stop suspected violators. As a result, Minnesota State Patrol troopers often have to follow potential HOT lane violators substantial distances before a safe shoulder area is ...
The National Weather Service says the highest wind gust in the state over the past two days was in Redwood Falls.
since the Mountain State is staunchly conservative. The president will confess he realizes this enables the GOP to control the U.S. Senate, but considering theDemocrats’ agenda is so out of touch with America, he understands.
Certain types of sharks must continuously move, even while they sleep, to keep oxygen flowing through their gills. Some sharks get creative, resting in strategic areas on the ocean floor with strong currents to allow water to naturally flow over their gills. Hibernating frogs have built-in natur...
- Creating a special river police force to patrol the ghats, the steep stone stairsteps that descend from the river bluffs to water level. - Building municipal laundry areas wheredhobies,the traditional caste of clothes washers, could launder their customers’ garments in municipal water that woul...
After last year’s Northridge earthquake, the Civil Air Patrol used its crews and available aircraft to ferry public officials to disaster sites for inspections. The patrol also helped police and firefighters commute by air to affected areas in Los Angeles from their homes in far flung areas such...
In this regard, the main preparer behind the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the then US Assistant Secretary of State Dean Rusk, later in his memoirs admitted that according to international acts this was manufacturing a “false treaty” and it had absolutely no legitimacy; concocting these procedural...
Enforcement of the I-35W HOT lane facility is limited by scarcity of safe shoulder areas along the corridor to observe and stop suspected violators. As a result, Minnesota State Patrol troopers often have to follow potential HOT lane violators substantial distances before a safe shoulder area is ...
Instead, the force’s job is to escort humanitarian aid when and where the warring parties agree, patrol six U.N.-designated “safe areas” and monitor heavy-weapons exclusion zones around Sarajevo and Gorazde. Accepting these realities seemed to come more easily to Europeans than to Americans....
Raoult, the minister, is hopeful that an ambitious new Banlieue Plan will attract businesses to the worst areas, where taxes have been lowered, and state investment will improve housing conditions. It would spend $1 billion to refurbish a half-million apartments and add both teachers and police...