If you are interested in the chance to get Grandstand tickets before they go on sale to the general public, plus other fabulous fair benefits, you can become a 2024 Friend of the Fair through the Minnesota State Fair Foundation to access the Friends of the Fair presale.What do Friends of ...
9:00AMWSCA Open Pleasure Show, Horse Arena 10:00AM - 4:00PM4-H State Fair & NE Livestock Registrations & Questions Answered, 4-H Building 9:30AMOpen Class Rabbit Show, Poultry/Rabbit Tent 10:00AM - 8:00PMKids Kountry Opens
when my dad bought a boxcar full of hay from Montana so he could feed his cows and livestock. It was the year that nearly broke him as a farmer.
At the Rice County Steam and Gas Engines Show, this John Deere tractor helped raise cancer awareness. Minnesota Prairie Roots file photo 2011. Coyotes, by the way, are not a protected animal in Minnesota. They are,according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, our state’s most ...
An unhatched chick could fetch up to $4,000. Mature breeders were being insured at more than $50,000 a pair. Microchips had to be embedded under each animal’s skin to guard against rustlers. And boosters, flush in their diamonds and denim, seemed to be at every livestock show in the...