If you are interested in the chance to get Grandstand tickets before they go on sale to the general public, plus other fabulous fair benefits, you can become a 2024 Friend of the Fair through the Minnesota State Fair Foundation to access the Friends of the Fair presale.What do Friends of ...
MN State Fair via Facebook Fairchild from the State Fair This gopher would be a great addition to the animal emojis. His little green suit would look great as a cartoon. An Outline of Minnesota Photo: AndreyKrav Via Thinkstock An Outline of Minnesota There have been so many instances wher...
Fair State Co-op:Fair State will be hosting two days of Oktoberfest complete with flash tattoos, food, a stein hoisting competition and music while also celebrating 10 years in business. Members will be able to start an hour earlier which means you should get in on that membership if you ...
Moving onward as a people and a nation, we need to work harder on respecting one another, no matter our skin color, our social status, our differences. We’ve certainly made strides. But the reality is that we can do better. ©Copyright 2023 Audrey Kletscher Helbling Comments (4) July...
June 2023 to KES 157/$ in December 2023, and back to KES 129/$ at the end of June 2024. Actual operational data such as sold units of gigawatt hours are improving, albeit at a slow rate. Despite its many challenges, we are cautiously optimistic that Kenya Power can continue on its ...