A true fair food staple -mini donuts got the State Fair lip balm treatmentin 2015. Since 2009, I would argue this is probably the most universally pleasant flavor people would be willing to wear. While this one is equally quirky, all of the previous varieties seem more "weird" for a lip...
If you are interested in the chance to get Grandstand tickets before they go on sale to the general public, plus other fabulous fair benefits, you can become a 2024 Friend of the Fair through the Minnesota State Fair Foundation to access the Friends of the Fair presale.What do Friends of ...
Imagine being a parent and texting your kid "go (shovel emoji)." That would be great. Fairchild from the State Fair MN State Fair via Facebook Fairchild from the State Fair This gopher would be a great addition to the animal emojis. His little green suit would look great as a cartoon....
Fair State Co-op:Fair State will be hosting two days of Oktoberfest complete with flash tattoos, food, a stein hoisting competition and music while also celebrating 10 years in business. Members will be able to start an hour earlier which means you should get in on that membership if you ...
We're passionate about cultivating a rich and stable work experience that provides fair and equitable wages and benefits for our entire team. To achieve this, we utilize a no-tipping model which adds a percentage of the total to each guest bill as a surcharge. One hundred percent of the am...
If you live in South Dakota chances are you've eaten many of the items on this food list. But if you are visiting our state or if you just haven't gotten around to chowing down on these great eats, you need to get on it. Some foods are distinctly South Dakotan. Here are the 9...
During the 2023-24 school year, more than 300 volunteers spent over 43,000 hours serving local and global communities. On November 12, the District celebrated this achievement through the 14th annual Celebration of Service. Minnetonka students created a high school food shelf, worked with senior ...
1973 was a huge year forlifelike dolls. That year, Baby Alive was introduced and dominated the market. It had a mechanical mouth that chewed up food from packets, which it then "disposed of" in its diaper. 1974: Magna Doodle Cra-Z-Art ...
The full moon for April is coming very soon. The full "Pink Moon", as it is called, will be out in the Minnesota sky this Thursday, April 6. Sorry to disappoint some though, if you were hoping to actually see aPINKcolored moon, it won't actually be that hue when it hangs high ...
Eight Legendary Food Brands That Call Minnesota Home Below you'll see some of the iconic food brands that call Minnesota home. Malt-O-Meal google maps Malt-O-Meal Malt-O-Meal started in 1919 as the Campbell Cereal Company.According to Wikipedia,John Campbell, a miller in Owatonna, Minne...