“Theft” encompasses a wide range of misdemeanor and felony crimes. The charges and the penalties for a theft conviction depend on a number of circumstances, including the value of the property that was stolen, the type of property, the involvement of weapons or bodily harm, and other specif...
He said he had been married and divorced 10 times and had several brushes with the law concerning vagrancy, public drunkenness, buying and concealing stolen property, possession of marijuana and assault and battery. LaRue reportedly took a dozen sleeping pills in 1958 in a suicide attempt in Long...
He had been charged with grand theft but in December Hasford negotiated a plea with the prosecutor to possession of stolen property. Hasford originally was charged with stealing more than 1,000 books--worth about $20,000--from 63 libraries. Among the books discovered were several rare 19th-C...
(9) The passenger presents a ticket that has been acquired unlawfully, has been purchased from an entity other than OM or its authorized agent, or has been reported as being lost or stolen, or is a counterfeit; Rule 40 Taxes Any tax or other charge imposed by government authority and coll...
Furthermore, unless due to the negligence or intentional misconduct or breach of this Lease of Landlord, Landlord shall not be responsible for lost or stolen personal property, equipment, money or jewelry from the Premises or from the public areas of the Buildings or the Project, regardless of ...
Robinson’s previous convictions were for nonviolent crimes of burglary, attempted burglary, concealing stolen property and possession of a stolen vehicle. Advertisement District Judge Dan Owens on Thursday chose to order the sentences consecutively instead of concurrently, meaning that the 30-year-old ...
The grand jury also accused one officer’s wife of helping hide stolen funds from the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies. Advertisement The indictment climaxed a 16-month investigation into what has become the worst scandal to shake the nation’s largest sheriff’s department in ...
every resource to making restitution in this case. His concern is to get the property back to the school district. I think he’s taking a realistic, responsible view of what has occurred. You can’t turn back the clock. Today (with his guilty plea) is the strongest statement of that....
Cosper said that in May, a woman filed a disorderly conduct complaint against the former seaman after he had made an obscene gesture at her. In July, the Hennard family complained that an electronic “bug zapper” was stolen from their home. And last month, Hennard told police that someone...
Now that virtually all food on the island has been stolen, Donahue said his biggest fear was that pillagers would grow desperate and try to ransack the homes of the more affluent. “Once the food’s out and once the clothes are all gone, what are they going to do?” he said. “They...