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3. Materials and Methods 33..M1. aStyenrtihaelssisaonf dMMn3Oet4hNodansospheres on Nickel Foam 3.1. SMynnth3Oes4isnoafnMosnp3hOe4reNsawneorsephfaebrersicoanteNd iocnkenl iFcokaeml foam via a facile hydrothermal route, whicMh nw3aOs4mnaondoifisepdhberaessedwoenreafraebproicrtaetdedreocn...
66.4.4..BBuullkkDDooppiinngg BBuullkkddooppiningginivnovlovlevsesinitnrotrdoudcuincigngdodpoapnatsntdsudriunrgintghetpherecpurerscourr'ssopr'rsodpurocdtiuocntitoonento- heannhcaenlcitehiluitmhi-uiomn-itoranntsrpaonrstpboyrtexbpyanexdpinagnddiinffgusdioiffnucshioannncehlsa,nsnueplps,ressuspin...