When "Papa Don't Preach" was first released in 1986 there was a lot of controversy surrounding the song, as its lyrics dealt with teenage pregnancy and abortion. The media attention ended up helping boost the overall popularity of the song, which hit #1 in both the U.S. and the U.K...
the officials defending the law argued that the measure is likely to be found constitutional. They said if it is not enforced, there will be “irreparable harm” to many minors too immature to make the difficult choice on abortion without assistance from a parent or court. ...
Rehnquist said. Nonetheless, he went on to say that abortion is not a “fundamental right,” as Blackmun had said, but rather a mere “liberty interest” that can be restricted by the government. Officials may impose anti-abortion laws that are “reasonably designed . . ....
a scant seven months before he was nominated at the Seattle convention over Indian activist Russell Means. Some Libertarians feared that Paul’s writing for the John Birch Society would taint his image, and others said his anti-abortion beliefs were not in...
In just the last generation Americans have questioned every sexual attitude, from the feminist movement to the morality of abortion laws, from contraception to homosexual rights, from how to clean up movies for children to how to protect First Amendment rights and still control pornography. ...
“I think their real intent is to control the materials and content of courses their children are exposed to and dictate a point of view they possess to the rest of us.” Thirty-five states now have laws either requiring parental consent or notification for a minor to obtain an abortion. ...
Foundations of unity: As of July 2, both Germanys will be market economies with freedom of movement for workers, capital, goods and services; both will be committed to a free, democratic and federal system; East German law conflicting with the treaty in any way will be invalid. ...
The appellate panel said that, although it was permissible to fire teachers for “public homosexual activity,” the law prohibiting mere advocacy was so broad that it might be used to prevent a teacher from going before the Legislature to urge a change in laws governing homosexual conduct. ...
Colorado’s attorney general will go to court in Denver to defend a constitutional amendment that would ban state and local laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would cancel gay rights ordinances in Aspen, Boulder and Denver. Amendment 2, passed by voters last November, ...
said she expects him to do well. But his showing, she said, could be affected by Robertson, who in Iowa demonstrated his ability to turn out supporters for a caucus. Minnesota, normally considered a relatively liberal state, may be fertile ground for Robertson because the anti-abortion movemen...