V. Tsurkan et al.Exchange splitting of the Cr, Fe and Mn 3s XPS spectra in some ternary magnetic semiconductor sulphides. Solid State Communications . 2000Exchange splitting of the Cr, Fe and Mn 3s XPS spectra in some ternary magnetic semiconductor sulphides[J] . V. Tsurkan,M. Demeter...
In this study, the XPS spectra information was used comprehensively, including the comparion of the peak-to-peak shape of the Mn 2p spectra, the Mn 3s spectra peak splitting spacing, the change of adsorbed oxygen and the content of elements on the catalyst...
However, although it is known that the chemical state identification in manganese by XPS is difficult due to the presence of a complex multiplet splitting [A-D], this has not been taken into consideration in the deconvolution of the XPS spectra for Mn 2p3/2. This disregard has affected the...
(1)AOS=8.956-1.13ΔEwhere ΔE is the energy difference between the splitting peaks in the Mn 3 s XPS spectrum. The Mn AOS values of LMOB0.5 (+3.47) and LMOB5 (+3.28) revealed by the Mn 3 s XPS spectra (Fig. S1c) support the formation of surface low-valence manganese borates. ...
XPS spectra of CeO2-CuO-Mn3O4@rGO(3:1); survey (a), high resolution of Ce 3d (b), Cu 2p (c), Mn 2p (d), C 1s (e), and O 1s (f). Full size image The morphology of the prepared electrocatalysts was analysed using FESEM and EDX/mapping. Based on FESEM micrographs (Fig...
The Mn3s X-ray photoelectron spectra of manganese at oms in mono-, bi-, tri-, and hexanuclear trimethylacetate Mn complexes and MnIICl2, MnIIIOOH, MnIVO2. ionic compounds were measured. The 3s spectra of the manganese atoms in MnII, MnIII, and MnIV valent states were calculated within...
We have measured Mn-2p photoemission spectra in Mn perovskites doped by two methods: La 1 xCa xMnO 3 and LaMnO 3+ δ. Intra- and inter-series comparisons reveal that the position and intensity of the Mn-2p satellite depend only on the level of doping, and that it can always be decompo...
Fig. 7. Mn 3s XPS spectra of different structured MnO2 (Huang et al., 2019b). In addition, Mn3p, Mn3s, and Mn2p3/2 XPS spectra can be used to obtain the abundance of Mn(II), Mn(III), and Mn(IV) on the manganese oxide surface, which can then be used to help understand the...
The shift in the binding energy of the Mn 3s peaks indicated a change in the oxidation state of Mn. The presence of a 5.9 eV interval in the spectrum corresponds to the Mn2+ state, suggesting the existence of MnO bonds.33,34 All peak positions in the XPS spectra are listed in Table ...
Presents a study which focused on the 2p3/2 X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of Mn2+, Mn3+, and Mn4+ ions of some Mn-bearing oxides and oxyhydroxides, including manganite and synthetic birnessite. Information on experimental procedures used; What controls the formation rate of birnessite; ...