ARM CoreLink MMU-500 System Memory Management Unit Technical Reference Manual r1p0Version: r1p0 (Superseded) Macro TLB The macro TLB caches PTW results in the TCU. You can configure the depth of the macro TLB based on your requirements. Figure 2.6 shows the TCU cache structure that consists...
The MMU-500 caches the level 2 PTW in the stage 1 PTW cache 2. This bit can have one of the following values: 0b0 Disable the PTW cache 2. 0b1 Enable the PTW cache 2. [1:0] Reserved - Reserved. Figure 3.3 shows the bit assignments. Figure 3.3. SMMU_sACR register bit assignments...
HomeDocumentationIP ProductsSystem IPSystem ControllersCorelink System Memory Management UnitARM CoreLink MMU-500 System Memory Management Unit Technical Reference Manual r2p4Version: r2p4 (Latest) ARM CoreLink MMU-500 System Memory Management Unit Technical Reference Manual ...
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搜索智能精选题目最接近500的数是()。 A. 589 B. 495 C. 408答案要求最接近500的数,就是求与500的差最小的数。 答案:B。589-500=89500-495=5500-408=9292>89>5,所以最接近500的是495。故选B。
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