Master Mineral Solution Preparation Protocol Cleaning the Bathtub The tub must be perfectly clean: Scrub thoroughly to remove soap, dirt, or chalk residue. Rinse with clean water and dry with a towel. Repeat cleaning if any residue remains. Activating MMS for the Bath Starting Dose: Activate...
精华微博汇总,不定时更新: MMS是神奇矿物质溶液Master Mineral Solution的缩写,MMS生成二氧化氯。MMS不是药,是消毒水/净水剂,如用于医疗,仅适合懂一些医疗真相的人自疗。主流人群还是应该去正规医院正规治疗...
MMS是Miracle Mineral Solution/Supplement英文字头的缩写,可以译作“神奇的矿物质溶液/补充剂”,最初(1996年)是由美国冶金工程师吉姆?汉伯 (Jim Humble)发明的,是一种亚氯酸钠水溶液(MMS1)和次氯酸钙(MMS2)粉末。食用后可以在体内分别产生二氧化氯和次氯酸,杀灭体内各种致病菌,缓解或治疗多种疾病,特别是一些疑难杂...
当我们提到Master Mineral,我们是在指由亚氯酸钠产生的矿物质二氧化氯。在世界各地,亚氯酸钠以自然的矿物质形态存在;然而,一般来说,生产它要比挖采它便宜。亚氯酸钠仍旧还是被认为是一种矿物质,而且实际上,任何东西只要不是动物、蔬菜的,都是矿物质。要记住:(在英语里)亚氯酸钠和食盐听起来很相似,是亚氯酸钠而...
当我们提到Master Mineral,我们是在指由亚氯酸钠产生的矿物质二氧化氯。在世界各地,亚氯酸钠以自然的矿物质形态存在;然而,一般来说,生产它要比挖采它便宜。亚氯酸钠仍旧还是被认为是一种矿物质,而且实际上,任何东西只要不是动物、蔬菜的,都是矿物质。要记住:(在英语里)亚氯酸钠和食盐听起来很相似,是亚氯酸钠而...
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), also known as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, or the CD protocol, is a controversial substance promoted as a treatment for various diseases. It was developed by Jim Humble, a former aerospace engineer, who initially used it to treat malaria ...
MMS是Miracle Mineral Solution/Supplement英文母头的缩写,可以译作“神奇的矿物溶解液/补充剂”,最初(1996年)是由美国冶金工程师吉姆?汉伯(Jim Humble)发现的,是一种酸性合成金属液(MMS1)和二次酸性钛(MMS2)粉末。食用后可以在体内分解生成二氧化钾和次钾酸,杀灭体内部各某种致病菌,缠绕或治疗多种疾病,特别是...
~ Jim Humble inThe Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium Cancer and Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS as Chlorine Dioxide Jim Humble describes MMS as a protocol he believes can be a life-saving breakthrough. He shares his discovery during a 1996 gold mining expedition in South America,...
Master Mineral Solution, MMS or WPS Solution - Why has this Product Become so Popular? Chlorine dioxide is a powerful anti microbial compound that has a long history of use - mostly known for its ability to sanitize drinking water (the last 60 years being the primary chemical used in ...