e7 Health offers every vaccine available in the United States including MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. We offer a wide array of employee health, student health, travel health, and laboratory services to individuals, schools, corporations, and other health care organizations. We offer same...
1 case, the measles vaccine strain was identified.73Available data do not support a relationship between measles-containing vaccine and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); in fact, widespread use of measles vaccines virtually has eliminated SSPE; no case of SSPE confirmed to be caused by va...
Contraindications to the varicella vaccine include the following: pregnancy or chance of pregnancy in 4weeks after administration; previous severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or any of its components; active, untreated tuberculosis; and severe immunosuppression (Table 9.2). HIV-positive patients: Ad...
In fact, due to the low post-hoc estimated power, we cannot be sure that the non-statistically significant differences between the two groups of study is due to an equivalent response to the MMR vaccine in the two subpopulations. Furthermore, a standardized schedule for serology testing after ...