The NHS has announced it is targeting young adults to catch up on their missed measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines as part of the NHS catch-up campaign. In England, more than 900,000 adults aged 19 to 25 years will be invited to book an appointment for the...
UKHSA 免疫接种医学流行病学家 Gayatri Amirthalingam 博士表示:“MMR 疫苗还可以预防年轻人患腮腺炎并发症。 “我强烈敦促任何未接种疫苗的人保护自己和周围更脆弱的人。” 网址:
在英国,单一麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗无法通过NHS获得,NHS也不推荐接种(参见英国公共卫生部的声明)。世界上任何地方都不再生产单一的腮腺炎和风疹疫苗。 出于谨慎,不建议孕妇接种MMR疫苗。然而,在怀孕期间或孕前接种MMR疫苗没有已知的风险。看到这个了吗英国公共卫生声...
Right now, around 1 in 10 children are unvaccinated and unprotected against MMR, putting their friends and classmates at risk. The measles vaccination alone has prevented 20 million measles cases and 4,500 deaths in the UK since the introduction of the vaccine in 1968. This is a BRILLIANT thing!
Government launches campaign to give MMR vaccine to a million children in EnglandThe UK government has launched a national measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination catch-up programme for children and teenagers in England in response to the recent surge in measles cases. The programme will ...
As measles cases continue to rise across the country, the NHS is urging parents and carers in South Leeds to make sure their children are vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR). The recent rise in cases, including in Yorkshire, has prompted theUK Health Security Agency (UKHSA...
The MMR vaccine can also be given on the NHS to adults who may need it, including peopleborn between 1970 and 1979who may have only been vaccinated against measles, as well as those born between 1980 and 1990 who may not be protected against mumps. ...
The NHS Information Centre found one in every hundred adults living in England has autism, which is identical to the rate in children. If the vaccine was to blame, autism rates among children should be higher because the MMR has only been available since the early 1990s, the centre says. ...
"It must be better for children to receive a single vaccine than to have nothing at all. If immunisation rates don't rise substantially when we are returned to government, we will make single-dose vaccines available to provide parental choice," he said. This, too, is a flawed argument and...
为了证实这个结果,《电讯报》进行了实际搜所。他们发现,在Facebook上搜所“疫苗接种(vaccinations)”“疫苗接种信息(vaccination information)”“疫苗(vaccines)”或“MMR疫苗(MMR vaccine)”等关键词时,前5名返回的结果都是反疫苗组织的网站页面。 在反疫苗网站VINE上,反对疫苗接种的律师Robert F Kennedy曾与美国总统...