To change the number of days to a value other than the default (10 days), set the following entry in table CKMLMVADMIN: KKEY : MMPV_NUMBER_DAYS_ALLOWED KDATA : <number of days MMPV is allowed> Only integers are allowed, with 0 meaning MMPV is allowed only on or after the ...
(10days), setthefollowingentryintableCKMLMVADMIN: KKEY:MMPV_NUMBER_DAYS_ALLOWED KDATA:Onlyintegersareallowed,with0meaningMMPVisallowedonlyonorafter thefirstdayofanewperiod.Ifthevalueisgreaterthantheactual numberofdaysinaperiodthenitmeansMMPVisallowedfortheentire month.AnyinvalidentryintheKDATAfieldwillbe...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) hi master sap, I have read that note (1082841). And there is written "To change the number of days to a value other than the default (10 days), set the following entry in table CKMLMVADMIN:KKEY: MMPV_NUMBER_DAYS_ALLOWEDKDATA: <number of days MMPV...