MMLab@NTUMembers in MMLab@NTU conduct research primarily in low-level vision, image and video understanding, creative content creation, 3D scene understanding and reconstruction. Publication Super-Resolution Our team is the first to introduce the use of deep neural networks to directly predict super-...
MMLab@NTU was formed on the 1 August 2018, with a research focus on computer vision and deep learning. Its sister lab isMMLab@CUHK. It is now a group with three faculty members and more than 40 members including research fellows, research assistants, research engineers and PhD students. ...
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南大或 NTU,是新加坡的一所顶尖研究型大学。 导师信息 潘新钢博士 (个人主页 于本月初加入南洋理工大学 School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) 担任助理教授,隶属于 MMLab-NTU 和 S-Lab。此前他在马克斯普朗克计算机...
超赞AI方向PhD和RA机会!MMLab@NTU新教职潘新刚老师! 记得点个“在看”或者将坚果君设为“星标“ Big 祝贺 Nuts老学员,潘新钢博士,入职新加坡南洋理工大学,开始招收学生啦! 导师介绍 潘新钢博士 个人主页 新加入南洋理工大学 School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) 担...
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南大或 NTU,是新加坡的一所顶尖研究型大学。 导师信息 潘新钢博士 (个人主页 于本月初加入南洋理工大学 School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) 担任助理教授,隶属于 MMLab-NTU 和 S-Lab。此前他在马克斯普朗克计算机...
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南大或 NTU,是新加坡的一所顶尖研究型大学。 导师信息 潘新钢博士 (个人主页 于本月初加入南洋理工大学 School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) 担任助理教授,隶属于 MMLab-NTU 和 S-Lab。此前他在马克斯普朗克计算机...
Y. Jiang, Z. Huang, X. Pan, C. C. Loy, Z. Liu in Proceedings of IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021(ICCV) [PDF] [arXiv] [Project Page] Contact Shuai Yang(Image from thisdemo) Email: shuai.yang at
In particular, objects with the same latent code share either the same or very similar abstract representations in the first few layers, based on which domain-specific details are gradually added. GP-UNIT exploits this generative prior for building robust mappings and choose BigGAN for its rich ...
However, its success highly relies on the object-centric priors of ImageNet, i.e., different augmented views of the same image correspond to the same object. Such a heavily curated constraint becomes immediately infeasible when pre-trained on more complex scene images with many objects. To ...
Code The Framework OV-DETR We build on the success of DETR that casts object detection as an end-to-end set matching problem (among closed classes), thus eliminating the need of hand-crafted components like anchor generation and non-maximum suppression. We provide a new perspective on the mat...