Hi everyone, looking for general help about MMI codes. I must admit that I do not know much about this more than what I have described in my post. If my solution doesn’t work out for you (and I suspect it doesn’t, as you have different problems), you’ll have to try to find ...
An MMI Code is a sequence of digits that is entered into your phone to make it perform some special action. These codes start and end with a * or # so they don't get confused with phone numbers you might want to dial. They're usually only valid when you're not on a call, so i...
policies in Iran, the lack of national, regional, urban and rural disaster prevention and disaster risk management plans, the funds and budgets not properly allocated for earthquake disaster mitigation, preparedness and emergency stages, lack of implementation of seismic codes and seismic retrofitting. ...
(4) 6546440 Fax: (972) (4) 6546443 NOTICE The information in this document is deemed to be correct at the time of publishing. ACS Motion Control reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ACS Motion Control is not responsible for incidental, consequential, or special damages ...