WhileMmSecureVirtualMemorycan be used to guarantee that reading or writing user memory will not raise an exception due to insufficient page permissions, it does not protect against other types of exceptions. For example, it does not protect against exceptions raised when the system finds a bad di...
In reply to DustyBin • Oct 13, 2023 2 DustyBin wrote: Great post…. Thank you! I really bought a 28-200 and can see on it is likely to become a staple lens for me when travelling. Your thoughts and pictures help give me that confidence. One question… I recognised some of ...
Defer loading a subset of driver routines into resident memory until incoming I/O requests for the driver's devices make it necessary for these routines to process IRPs. Make the same subset of driver routines available for paging out when they have completed the processing of I/O requests and...