Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 522 lines (390 loc) · 23.4 KB Raw 执行器(Runner) 欢迎来到 MMEngine 用户界面的核心——执行器! 作为MMEngine 中的“集大成者”,执行器涵盖了整个框架的方方面面,肩负着串联所有组件的重要责任;...
public final String senderAddress = public final String callbackData = 121204; // 用户开通短信服务时,注册的url public final String notifyURL = :8080/TestServlet/testSms; public final String message = 11111111111;//向模拟终端发送的信息内容 // public final String address = tel:I5V141r252r7O2B...
At the same time, the design ensures the overall security of the system, the SAN network redundancy and secures the data platform. Esta configuración ha realizado la red redundante end-to-end del SAN, resuelve la demanda del acceso de alta velocidad de los datos. Al mismo tiempo, el ...