bbox_overlaps这个函数,传进去第一个参数是gt框,第二个候选框。 如果gt框的shape为(m,4),候选框的shape为(n,4),则返回的iou的shape为(m,n)。 def bbox_overlaps(bboxes1, bboxes2, mode='iou', is_aligned=False): assert mode in ['iou', 'iof'] rows = bboxes1.size(0) # m cols =...
2]-xstop=ys-gt_bboxes[...,1]bottom=gt_bboxes[...,3]-ysbbox_targets=torch.stack((left,top,right,bottom),-1)# 如果该 point 不在任何一个 gt bbox 内部,则设置为 Falseinside_gt_bbox_mask=bbox
core内部做了一些改写,比如anchor中的tagret移走了,增加了分割数据结构,抽象了bbox的编解码,新增iou_calculators,看起来evaluation中的bbox_overlaps不是最优的。 数据类做了更彻底的分解,将1.x版本的loader中的sample分离成和pipeline同级别,data_loader放到数据类中的builder,结构更清晰。 models中anchor_heads改为...
mmdet.core.bbox.coder.delta_xywh_bbox_coder.DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder initmodel BboxOverlaps2D CascadeRCNN FPN_CARAFE BalancedL1Loss CascadeRoIHead cross_entropy YOLOBBoxCoder iof PAA SABLHead SSDHead RPN RetinaSepBNHead build_loss YOLACTProtonet init_assigner_sampler PointGenerator FCOSHead RFP modeltra...
from mmdet.core.evaluation.bbox_overlaps import bbox_overlaps File "/home/alexander/Code/Projects/mmdetection/mmdet/core/", line 6, in from .post_processing import * # noqa: F401, F403 File "/home/alexander/Code/Projects/mmdetection/mmdet/core/post_processing/", line 1, in...
6.3 Box post-process 在检测任务中非常常见的一个现象就是模型最后输出的 bboxes 数目比较多,而且存在一些重叠的 bboxes 现象,在这一部分,不同任务的后处理对象其实是不太一样的,对应的代码在mmdet3d/core/post_processing 中: frommmdet.core.post_processingimport(merge_aug_bboxes, merge_aug_masks, ...
bbox_overlaps If you try to train/test/infer a model containing the above ops, an error will be raised. The following table lists affected algorithms. OperatorModel Deformable Convolution/Modulated Deformable ConvolutionDCN, Guided Anchoring, RepPoints, CentripetalNet, VFNet, CascadeRPN, NAS-FCOS, ...
6 # bbox 1 will be assigned as the best target for bbox A in step 3. 7 # However, if GT bbox 2's gt_argmax_overlaps = A, bbox A's 8 # assigned_gt_inds will be overwritten to be bbox B. 9 # This might be the reason that it is not used in ROI Heads. ...
Support calculating IoU with FP16 tensor in bbox_overlaps to save memory and keep speed (#4889) Add __repr__ in custom dataset to count the number of instances (#4756) Add windows support by updating requirements.txt (#5052) Stable support of exporting models to ONNX with batched images...