CustomEpochBasedRunner是mmdet3d中的一个训练器,它继承自EpochBasedRunner,并在其基础上添加了一些自定义功能。通过使用CustomEpochBasedRunner,用户可以更加灵活地控制训练过程中的各个阶段,并根据自己的需求进行定制化。 2. 使用CustomEpochBasedRunner的基本步骤 下面是使用CustomEpochBasedRunner的基本步骤: 定义数据集和...
The mmdetection project also have "MMDet_Tutorial.ipynb". It shows how use it for creating custom dataset and how to perform Faster RCNN fine tuning on this new custom dataset. There are only boxes without masks. It seems easier to me to see a more complex example that can be simplified ...
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