{'token': 'ca9a282c9e77460f8360f564131a8af5', 'timestamp': 1532402927647951, 'prev': '', 'next': '39586f9d59004284a7114a68825e8eec', 'scene_token': 'cc8c0bf57f984915a77078b10eb33198', 'data': {'RADAR_FRONT': '37091c75b9704e0daa829ba56dfa0906', 'RADAR_FRONT_LEFT': '11946...
dataset. This is useful when the data loading time is long but the dataset is small. Using RepeatDataset can reduce the data loading time between epochs. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset`): The dataset to be repeated. times (int): Repeat times. """ def __init__(self, dataset, ...
start_time = time.time() for inputs, labels in train_data: if (steps-start_step)>STEPS_EPOCH: break loss_sum += train_step(inputs, labels) steps = tf.keras.backend.get_value(optimizer.iterations)+STEPS_OFFSET if steps%100 == 0: elasp_time = time.time()-start_time lr = tf.ker...
!python tools/analysis_tools/analyze_logs.py \ cal_train_time \ work_dirs/faster-rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_voc/20230217_185934_train/vis_data/scalars.json 预期输出将如下所示。 ---Analyze train time of work_dirs/.../vis_data/scalars.json--- slowest epoch 16, average time is 0.2512 s/iter fast...
det_inferencer.py inference.py configs datasets engine evaluation models structures testing utils visualization __init__.py registry.py version.py projects requirements resources tests tools .gitignore .owners.yml .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml ...
(corpus_indices, char_to_idx, idx_to_char, vocab_size) = d2l.load_data_jay_lyrics() #初始化模型参数 num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_outputs = vocab_size, 256, vocab_size print('will use', device) def get_params(): def _one(shape): ...
\mmpose\tests\data\coco\test_80.png --work-dir mmdeploy_models/res152_ncnn--dump-info Fatal Python error: init_sys_streams: can't initialize sys standard streams Python runtime state: core initialized Traceback (most recent call last): File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, ...
Once the data is all prepped and ready to go, it's time to get the Cascade model geared up for some serious training action! We're talking about picking out the perfect backbone network, anchor scales, and ratios – all the stuff that's going to make our model really shine. In MMDete...
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save_{image, pose, timestamp}没有坐标系的问题,就不讲了。 3-2 kitti_data_utils.WaymoInfoGatherer 这块没有涉及坐标系转换,但只把Tr_velo_to_cam0收集到info.pkl中,也就是只有front camera。要做环视的detection还需要自己去kitti_format/training/calib/文件夹下读入1~4。 到此为止,waymo dataset中tfrec...