"mmc partconf 2 1 1 0" or "mmc partconf 2 0 1 0" (one with, one without ACK) And I could see this is proper set by "mmc partconf 2" u-boot=> mmc partconf 2EXT_CSD[179], PARTITION_CONFIG:BOOT_ACK: 0x1BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE: 0x1 PARTITION_ACCESS: 0x0 I flashed with "dd if...
ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev} FB: flash bootloader u-boot-dtb.imx FB: ucmd if env exists emmc_ack; then ; else setenv emmc_ack 0; fi; FB: ucmd setenv emmc_cmd mmc partconf ${emmc_dev} ${emmc_ack} 1 0 FB: ucmd if test "${emmc_skip...
You can try "mmc partconf <dev>" in uboot. Best regards Harvey 0 Kudos Reply 08-24-2023 03:14 AM 1,559 Views yixinchi Contributor I 你好,您知道/dev/mmcblk0和/dev/mmcblk1在emmc的地址吗,我可以uboot命令行下将uboot进行在线更新吗 0 Kudos Reply...
"mmc partconf <dev> [boot_ack boot_partition partition_access]\n" " - Show or change the bits of the PARTITION_CONFIG field of the specified device\n" "mmc rst-function <dev> <value>\n" " - Change the RST_n_FUNCTION field of the specified device\n" " WARNING: This is a write...
You can try "mmc partconf <dev>" in uboot. Best regards Harvey 0 Kudos Reply 08-24-2023 03:14 AM 1,591 Views yixinchi Contributor I 你好,您知道/dev/mmcblk0和/dev/mmcblk1在emmc的地址吗,我可以uboot命令行下将uboot进行在线更新吗 0 Kudos Reply ...