方法b:直接启动驱动器(插有MMC卡),热拔出MMC卡(仅在P2时可执行)(MPX03) 在驱动器启动以后拔出MMC卡(热插拔),在Firmware目录中放入将要更新的固化软件 3 关电,拔出MMC卡,重新启动后Load new?,按Enter键 4 更换新的驱动器,从旧的驱动器上拔出MMC卡,插入新的驱动器中©...
会自动重启,此时不要按任何键,会按原驱动器程序自动运行方法b:直接启动驱动器(插有MMC卡),热拔出MMC卡(仅在 P2时可执行)(MPX03) 在驱动器启动以后拔出MMC卡(热插拔),在Firmware目录中放入将要更新的固化软件 3.如果驱动器本身有MMC卡,需要拔出,驱动器需要按原参数运行关电,拔出MMC卡,重新启动后Load new...
固化软件升级 首先将固化软件拷贝到MMC卡的Firmware目录下方法a: 用MMC卡启动驱动器(MPX03,MPX04) 方法b:直接启动驱动器(不插入MMC卡),热插入MMC卡(仅在 P2时可执行)(MPX03) 方法c: 执行P-0-4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC (仅在 P2时可执行)(set bit 0, 1=1)(MPX03,MPX04) 2....
Event ID 219 "The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device..." Event ID 256 — System Catalog Database Integrity fix not working Event ID 257 CAPi2. The Cryptographic Services services failed to initialize the Catalog Database. The ESENT error was -1805 Event ID 28 Error setti...
There is an extremely simple FTL layer in Linux MTD subsystem - mtdblock. It emulates block devices over MTD devices. There is also an mtdblock_ro module which emulates read-only block devices. When you load this module, it creates a block device for each MTD device in the system. The...
There is an extremely simple FTL layer in Linux MTD subsystem - mtdblock. It emulates block devices over MTD devices. There is also an mtdblock_ro module which emulates read-only block devices. When you load this module, it creates a block device for each MTD device in the system. The...
There is an extremely simple FTL layer in Linux MTD subsystem - mtdblock. It emulates block devices over MTD devices. There is also an mtdblock_ro module which emulates read-only block devices. When you load this module, it creates a block device for each MTD device in the system. The...
从MMC载入参数("Load new Param.?") 是 自动从MMC载入参数到驱动器 关闭控制电源 按“Enter”载入内部存储的参数 带有永久插入 MMC卡操作驱动器(P-0-4065 = 1) 驱动器中的参数未改变 带有永久插入 MMC卡操作驱动器 Firmware update? FL:ERASE "Enter" ...
// - Start = 1 : active mode, if load_eject = 1 : load disk storage bool tud_msc_start_stop_cb(uint8_t lun, uint8_t power_condition, bool start, bool load_eject) { (void) lun; (void) power_condition; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "tud_msc_start_stop_cb() invoked, power_condition=%d, ...
no pinctrl for ddr_1_8v ** First descriptor is NOT a primary desc on 1:1 ** Trying to boot from MMC1 spl: falcon_args_file not set in environment, falling back to default reading args spl_load_image_fat_os: error reading image args, err - -1 ...