吉隆坡(11月26日):MMC Corp Bhd截至2019年9月30日(3QFY19)的第三季度净利润从一年前的3894万林吉特增长70.3%至6634万林吉特,原因是巴生谷质量工程有限公司的工作进展加快捷运双溪毛糯-雪兰莪-布特拉再也(KVMRT-SSP)线。 公用事业和基础设施集团的马拉科夫公司(Malakoff Corp Bhd)的贡献也有所增加,这是由于其燃...
MMPC: Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corp. KKM: P.T. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motors KRM: P.T. Krama Yudha Ratu Motors PROTON: Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd. USF: USF-HICOM (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. CMC: China Motor Corp. SEM: South East (Fujian) Motor Corporation, Ltd. LMC: Dongfeng Liuzhou...
MMPC: Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corp. KKM: P.T. Krama Yudha Kesuma Motors KRM: P.T. Krama Yudha Ratu Motors PROTON: Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd. USF: United Straits Fuso Sdn. Bhd. CMC: China Motor Corp. SEMC: South East (Fujian) Motor Corporation Ltd. LMC: Dongfeng Liuzhou ...
Gas Malaysia Distribution Sdn. Bhd. The main business function is to develop, own, operate and maintain the gas distribution pipeline network. Read More Gas Malaysia Energy and Services Sdn. Bhd. The main business function is to procure gas from a supplier and arrange the delivery of gas in ...
Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Motors & Manufacturing Indonesia I D R 11,451.0 Manufacture, sales of automobile parts Vina Star Motors Corp. Vietnam USD 16.0 Manufacture and marketing of automobiles and parts Kuala Lumpa (Malaysia) Sendrian Bhd Malaysia MYR 2.0 Holding company National Wide Distribution ...
Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Motors & Manufacturing Indonesia I D R 11,451.0 Manufacturing and sales of automobile parts Vina Star Motors Corp. Vietnam USD 16.0 Manufacturing and marketing of automobiles and parts Kuala Lumpa (Malaysia) Sendrian Bhd Malaysia MYR 2.0 Holding company Nationwide Distribution ...