mmap() failed: [12] cannot allocate memory 是一个常见的系统错误,表明在使用 mmap() 系统调用尝试映射内存时,由于系统内存不足而无法完成映射。下面我将按照你的要求逐一解答: 1. 解释 mmap() failed: [12] cannot allocate memory 错误的含义 mmap() 是一个系统调用,用于将文件或其他对象映射到进程的地址...
realm::AddressSpaceExhausted: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory size: 64520192 offset: 201326592 Experiencing the same issue. Tried all workarounds including the : refreshing realm after backgroundwrites updating realm version upto 5.3.3
Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=io.realm Code=9 "mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory size: 2415919104 offset: 0" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory size: 2415919104 offset: 0, Error Code=9}: file /BuildRoot/Library...
发现是因为mysql无法分配足够的内存供使用,因此无法正常启动。 2017-08-26T01:13:48.030515Z0[ERROR] InnoDB: mmap(137428992bytes) failed; errno122017-08-26T01:13:48.030540Z0[ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot allocate memoryforthe buffer pool2017-08-26T01:13:48.030555Z0[ERROR] InnoDB: Plugin initialization abortedw...
mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory Segmentation fault 下面是我composer.json文件 { "name": "symfony/framework-standard-edition", "license": "MIT", "type": "project", "description": "The \"Symfony Standard Edition\" distribution", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/" }, "...
前几日看到鸟哥介绍的《让你的PHP7更快之Hugepage》, 于是想试试手给服务器加上,参照格式安装好扩展,调整好配置文件,然后重启php-fpm,结果启动一直报Zend OPcache huge_code_pages: mmap(HUGETLB) failed: Cannot allocate memory 看字面意思是无法分配内存?怎么会呢,机器内存还是很充足的,这点排查掉了。后面查...
mysql报错mmap(137428992 bytes) failed; errno 12,Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool mysql以`systemctl start mysqld.service`的方式启动一段时间后发现突然无法启动,尝试重新启动也不能解决问题,排查问题时,先后通过`systemctl status mysqld.service`和`journalctl -xe` 命令查看问题,无所得.然后查看`...
配置同步失败,日志详细信息提示如下:" test nginx: nginx: [alert] mmap(MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED, 524288000) failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) nginx: [alert] munmap(FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 524288000)
nginx: [alert] mmap(MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED, 536870912) failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) 原因是共享内存空间设置过大,系统已没有足够的内存分配,导致无法启动nginx,可以将上面的keys_zone=ngx_fcgi_cache:150m,设置小一些,例如keys_zone=ngx_fcgi_cache:50m,即可。
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory size: 3221225472 offset: 0 Which then causes an entire application to crash. Which also seems quite high considering my shouldCompactOnLaunch code. Steps to Reproduce All I am doing is a simple read and the application crashes from what I gather it isn...