fm 是 resnet编码器阶段输出的feature_map,shape是(batch,2048,14,14) embedding是fm经池化、dropout输出的embedding,shape为(batch,2048) 随后对embedding做fc raw_logits = self.rawcls_net(embedding) 这里raw_logits是train loss的一个分支,,也就是图中的第一行所表示的意思,类似于imagenet粗分类的形式 第...
MMAL-Netautomatic weighing stationfine-grained visual categorizationoverload detectiontruck model recognitionEfficient and reliable transportation of goods through trucks is crucial for road logistics. However, the overloading of trucks poses serious challenges to road infrastructure and traffic safety. ...
lucid dream的dream本身已经有自主意识。梦里我使用惯用的分析方式判断出自己正在做梦,正在心安理得接受所有异常,旁边一个npc神秘一笑:你真以为这是梦?你好好感受感受这些再下结论。接着我就在用心感受当中越...
Therefore, this paper proposes a fine-grained image classification network based on fast MMAL net and studies the impact on the classification accuracy and convergence speed of fine-grained classification network. The fast aolm module is used to predict the position of the object, and the fast ...