"Last Change in Value" is the difference between its current value and its previous value. Items are NOT valued in Seers! Big thanks to the MM2 Wiki for providing countless images and information to make this value list complete! We are NOT attempting to offensively compete with the MM2Value...
if v:FindFirstChild("IsGun") then if (v.IsGun.Value == true) then x = true; end end end for i,v in pairs(bp:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("IsGun") then if (v.IsGun.Value == true) then x = true; end end end if (bp:FindFirstChild("Knife"...
5,807gunmayhem.io 5,808mm2checker.com 5,809vanillaprepaid.com 5,810foxgameclub.com Посмотретьлучшиесайты Анализ трафикаивовлеченностидля mm2checker.com Веб-трафик mm2checker.com увеличилсянаумен...
Gun Price: $ 23.99 USD Chroma Luger Gun Price: $ 15.99 USD Chroma Heat Knife Price: $ 15.99 USD Chroma Laser Gun Price: $ 15.99 USD Chroma Fang Knife Price: $ 15.99 USD Chroma Deathshard Knife Price: $ 12.99 USD Chroma Boneblade Knife Price: $ 9.99 USD Flowerwood Gun Price: $ ...
Uniques –MM2 Value List Slouse’s Clown Gun: Value– Untradable Slouse’s Clown Knife: Value– Untradable Gold Candy: Value –150000 Gold Elderwood: Value –150000 Gold EW Revolver: Value –150000 Gold Iceblaster: Value –150000
if v:FindFirstChild("IsGun") then if (v.IsGun.Value == true) then x = true; end end end for i,v in pairs(bp:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("IsGun") then if (v.IsGun.Value == true) then x = true; end end end if (bp:FindFirstChild("Knife") or char:FindFirst...