In SAP transactions ending with 01 are for creating, ending with 02 for editing/changing, and the ones ending in 03 are used for viewing data without possibility to change it. Process to change Material Master Step 1) Enter transaction code MM02 in the command prompt Enter the material numbe...
Solved: Hello guys, Using tcode MM03 for instance: Having logged on to SAP with EN language chosen. 1) I chose the Material 2) I click Select View(s) And it shows me
FICO模块主要关注的物料主数据字段有如下这些: 物料主档创建Tcode:MM01 / MM02 / MM03 评估分类(Valuation SAP MM模块权限配置 MM模块权限配置 MM顾问:权限设计+配置+支持角色维护 1、用户账户:关联多个角色 (可以理解为岗位)。例如MM主数据维护人员 2、角色(岗位):关联多个事务代码(执行命令)。例如MM01\MM02...
If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in. Comment Comments (2) Former Member 2012 Jun 20 0 Kudos Hi Jurgen, I tried to execute Tcode:OMB3T but system gives message "Transaction OMB3T does not exists". So are you sure there is such t.code ? P...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi , try the below code. CALL TRANSACTION 'MM03' AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN. warm regards, surendar reddy. Reply Former Member 2008 Jul 09 2:09 PM 0 Kudos 860 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Kumar, I have done the recording for MM03 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I want to call 'Unit of measure' view in transaction MM03. I am able to call other views which are difined in the table T133 . for example , to call Basic data 1 view, i am using the following code, it is working fine. SET PARAMETER ID ...
sap ui/fiori 03 1.Sicf-》ZQHSTEST01 2.Tcode:/UI2/SEMOBJ 创建语义对象 3.LPD_CUST - 快速启动板定制 注意:URL和 系统别名的选择 下面开始登陆fiori的操作 4./UI2/FLP - SAP Fiori 快速启动板-》创建磁贴 创建目标映射 注意:上图所示的在SAP 的tcode LP... ...
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T /R T (%) ±5% 绝缘电阻: > 10 4 MΩ 联系水库。变化: < 2 %氡 ±2% 绝缘电阻: > 10 4 MΩ ± 0.2 % ΔR 1-2 /R 1-2 (%) - ±1% ± 0.5 % 负载寿命 长期湿热 震 振动 旋转寿命 ± 0.2 % ±5% 联系水库。变化: < 2 %氡 ΔV 1-2 /ΔV 1-3 ≤ ± 0.5 % - SAP订购...