①正常路径:Documents(我的文档)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods下找到【Mods 文件夹】,右单击,在打开的选项列表中,选择“创建快捷 方式”. ②在当前文件夹里,找到【Mods】的快捷方式,右单击,在 打开的选项列表中选择“剪切”. ③粘贴到桌面. 就这么简单,你就不需要每天去我的文档/XXX/XXX/XXX下放Mods了....
①正常路径:Documents(我的文档)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods下找到【Mods 文件夹】,右单击,在打开的选项列表中,选择“创建快捷 方式”. ②在当前文件夹里,找到【Mods】的快捷方式,右单击,在 打开的选项列表中选择“剪切”. ③粘贴到桌面. 就这么简单,你就不需要每天去我的文档/XXX/XXX/XXX下放Mods了....
模拟人生4让吸血鬼喝解药技巧 根据玩游戏的我的经验嘛,这是非常简便的一点技巧,主要就是你先和它的关系变得不友好再随身携带着解药,然后不停的和他进行互动,之后就会有投掷解药的选项,直接给他扔出去,一般情况下他就会喝下解药变回人类,假设情况不太好的话你的解药就浪费了。那你也就只能继续了。 以上就是让吸...
I the programm never touches the savefolder... strange. i didn't understand either, but i got my saves back. they somehow came back xDDD SimsMovieGirl, Apr 18, 2016 #67 BlankSlater Space Penguin Leader the latest version keeps renaming the folders or each mod. It adds numbers in...
With the exception of Random Forests (which divide nodes by randomly selecting features, so that there may be no significant change in performance for highly lin- early correlated features), the performance of all mod- els declines. In particular, accuracy and precision have declined by about 1%...
I tried the "CJB Show Item Sell Price" Mod which was loaded in the MM console but wasnt active in the game. (But it could be the Trainer Mod instead of the CjB Mod. I didnt check that) After I put a second folder in my steam\...\stardewvally\mods\ directory (where the Trainer...
This applies to tf.div and tf.mod as well. To obtain forced integer truncation based behaviors you can use tf.truncatediv and tf.truncatemod. tf.divide() is now the recommended division function. tf.div() will remain, but its semantics do not respond to Python 3 or from future ...