Fun fact - in terms of performs, you NEVER had the chance to pick whatever talent you want(outside the standard single/multi target talents). DBM tells you where to stand - guides tells tells you how to play - even covenents and racials are ALL based on logical choice to perform the ...
They pressed 2 buttons and did more damage with baseline+talents than classes using multiple cooldowns + covenant abilities, ie, outbursting the hunt is silly, right? sub rogue is really in the same boat. It doesn't need to be, there is a reason the skill ceiling was basically one of ...
We’ve added some new mechanics, keywords, and talents that all help to build up to huge Aimed Shots, fat crits, and satisfying procs. New and Old Tricks While the core of Marksmanship’s rotation will feel familiar, we wanted to add some more flair to the less core...
But that is forme, specifically. If other people who play MM want a pet, or want a passive eagle, then they should have that option. Honestly, if I could remove those 10 points into my hero talents, I would. I hate their forced pet design. ...
• Knowing your class. Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight. • Research each fight for your specific role/class. • Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar. ...