DISCIPLINE PRIEST PVP 3.3.5 - BEGINNER GUIDE WARMANE WOTLK (TalentsGearSpells) 2 Patm20 134 0 ARMS WARRIOR PVP 3.3.5 - BEGINNER GUIDE WARMANE WOTLK (TalentsGearSpellsDuelsTip Patm20 418 0 Vanilla Hunter PvP - Corossity R17 1642 0 Hotwheels _8 _ Hunter PvP 3.3.5 Wotlk Classic - Nae...
★ are eager to use their talents to support their team and tackle content ★ mythic experience preferred, however not required ★ take raid time seriously; They know the ins and outs of their class and each boss encounter. ★ who treat others with dignity and respect ★ have a good sense...