How to Reproduce be a marksman hunter with the sentinel aoe build listed here . do your rotation with cooldowns enabled until rapid fire trueshot will dissapear. also trueshot window is broken in my...
Hey I’d love to talk to you I think we would be a perfect fit we are always willing to work with people and We have core for a second hunter in our heroic raid group we raid one day a week on Sunday nights from 6 to 10 EST Saturday night optional normal / alt clears we are ...
I’m looking for a team playing hunter to join our team! We raid Tues/Wed 8:30pm to 12am EST We are currently 3/8M and just coming back from a very short break. Solidarity is a long standing guild and a multi gaming community. We raid both in Retail and in Classic as well as ...
Hunter Mage Boomkin For more specific information, any questions, or prospectively joining the guild, please reach out to us on Discord! Umphriez (GM) - Ump#2515 Morcade (Officer) - Morcade#1811 Squid (Officer) - Squid#6203 Gentleknight-zuljin January 8, 2021, 4:48am 12 Hello! And...