MLS Series Liquid Level Switches are float activated to operate an electrical SPDT reed switch for annunciation/pilot signal for indication of high level to an annunciator, controller or PLC. The MLS connects directly into the gas scrubber wall and can be used with an FW Murphy weld collar or ...
LS200, MLS-020 High Level Shutdown Switch DVU Series Dump Valve LS200NDVOR Pneumatic Level Control with: Filter Regulator with Gage Scrubber Level System Tools Scrubber Level Control System Emissions Calculator (.xls, 613KB) The SLS Emissions Calculator allows you to plug in application informatio...
Even more complex it becomes when the integration of several heterogeneous mechanisms, like role-based access control (RBAC), mandatory integrity control (MIC), and multi-level security (MLS) is considered. This paper presents results of development of a hierarchical integrated model of access ...
制造商:Cornell Dubilier(Cornell Dubilier,Cornell Dubilier) 工作温度范围:- 55 C to + 125 C 尺寸:44.45 mm Dia. 引线间隔:25.4 mm 漏泄电流:0.002 uA 发布求购 产品属性关于Cornell Dubilier(Cornell Dubilier,Cornell Dubilier) 描述铝质电解电容器 - 带引线加载寿命2000 hr ...
Zillow has 17 photos of this $369,995 1 bed, 1 bath, 607 Square Feet condo home located at 95-020 Waihonu St APT C906, Mililani, HI 96789 built in 1973. MLS #202501250.
零件号MLS173M020EB0C 类别 描述125 °aC 不锈钢平装,超长寿命,铝 公司Cornell Dubilier Electronics 数据表 购买 找到哪里买 功能,应用 ML型将 MLP 的超级性能从最高工作温度扩展到 125 oC。虽然 MLP 本身能够在 125 oC 下工作,但其扁平铝制外壳在不因内部压力而膨胀的情况下无法承受更高的温度。MLS 采用坚固...
商品名称:MORC魔控限位开关气动阀门反馈MLS100-M010-M020 MLS100-M020 商品编号:10118082154021 店铺: 瀚希台维修保养专营店 货号:199471 加工材料:其他 冷却方式:其他 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买! 注:因厂...
MLSG462M020JK0C,MLSG462M040JH0C,MLSG491M200JB0C,MLSG492M030JA0C 图文详情 0 本店推荐 0805J0100104MXT/0805J0100120FCT/0805J0100120JCT ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#QEBAQE0cChYSDiYa/RSwFWgTpBcCHp0dWx6pH5QWcxkiGIogoB35EnIYDhq4] 国外订货 不退不换 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#bGxsbGE+XjtLNzowijIiM8...
MLS300-M020S型防爆限位开关(加拿大MORC品牌) 限位开关又称为行程开关,位置开关,MLS300系列防爆限位开关用于阀位的开关位置现场指示和远程指示结构紧凑,功能强大。适用于高度危险场合,性能可选,壳体符合ExdIICT6防爆标准,防护等级为IP67。 MLS300系列防爆限位开关产品特点 ...