标题Trixie 画师avrameow 画师lionheartcartoon 画师asimos 标题Octavia Melody 画师vinilyart 画师dedalekha 画师astralmelodia-art 画师ShadowReindeer 标题Wrong hat 画师ramiras 标题NATG Day 23 画师rysunkowasucharia 画师t72b 标题The peace in twilight night ...
首先我们来分析一下TS的名字 【twilight】 这个词是“暮光、黄昏”的意思 而【sparkle】则是“闪烁、闪耀”的意思,这个名字可以说是有很多故事了,最早的时候TS被命名为“twilight twinkle”(与一匹G3陆马同名,在s5e12中Moon Dancer(月舞/月亮舞)也用了这个名字称呼TS)后来因为与《暮光之城》有一些版权冲突,才有...
Trixie的午夜悲剧自制好结局 [MLP同人动画] 公主修仙 “我乃梦魇” “Dusk Till Dawn”但每个人都唱他-Come and Learn with Pibby 迟来的错误化暮光闪闪 [PMV]暮光陨落[The Twilight Sparkle fall] [MLP] 星光公主 【MLP】当小马都成为现实 小马国女孩/小马利亚女孩国配(大陆配音)中角色以小马...
Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse Ponyville Mysteries: Schoolhouse of Secrets Ponyville Mysteries:The Tail of the Timberwolf The Prequel to My Little Pony: The Movie: The Stormy Road to Canterlot 电影前传:坎特洛特风雨路 Ponyville My...
Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse Ponyville Mysteries: Schoolhouse of Secrets Ponyville Mysteries:The Tail of the Timberwolf The Prequel to My Little Pony: The Movie: The Stormy Road to Canterlot 电影前传:坎特洛特风雨路 Ponyville My...
https://www.deviantart.com/charliexe/art/The-great-powerful-and-sexy-Trixie-892884252 https://www.deviantart.com/anime-equestria/art/Coco-Pommel-Alternative-Design-892874348 https://www.deviantart.com/assasinmonkey/art/Sunny-Day-892868745 https://www.deviantart.com/itskittyrosie/art/she-placed-a-...
Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse Ponyville Mysteries: Schoolhouse of Secrets Ponyville Mysteries:The Tail of the Timberwolf The Prequel to My Little Pony: The Movie: The Stormy Road to Canterlot 电影前传:坎特洛特风雨路 Ponyville My...
Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse Ponyville Mysteries: Schoolhouse of Secrets Ponyville Mysteries:The Tail of the Timberwolf The Prequel to My Little Pony: The Movie: The Stormy Road to Canterlot 电影前传:坎特洛特风雨路 Ponyville My...
崔克茜(英语:Trixie)或者崔克茜·鲁拉之月(英语:Trixie Lulamoon)[注 1],是一只雌性独角兽、旅行魔术师, 她是“牛皮克星”及“魔法对决”两集中的主要反派,小说《Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell》中的次要反派。她在“流言蜚语”、“谐律再临(上)”、“谐律再临(下)”、官方漫画和其他小说中稍稍出...