原视频标题∶The Friendship Test l Animation - MLP Grimdark AMV 原视频链接∶https://youtu.be/-Z_DAlIGew8?si=8hbXPehCvevUsp21 原视频作者∶SinclairDuGore 9 发布时间∶2024.1.12 动画 短片·手书 动画短片 同人 同人动画 小马宝莉 mlp my little pony...
Everything to do with theFriendship is Magicspin-off series of movies and shorts, Equestria Girls! 2.2k topics Why does Sci-Twi’s pony up from have wings even though she’s not an alicorn? BySnoopy Fan,10 hours ago Pony Life
目前在亚马逊上看到My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is...- Brandon T. Snider¥ 110.10... 分享8赞 小马驹之友谊魔法吧 聂克斯℃ 【MLP游戏/官方简中】Ambient.White - 视频【MLP游戏/官方简中】Ambient.White - 游戏视频 #01【1080p/60fps】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVv...
I used to collect all the ponies and movies, and when I saw Friendship is Magic, I was very happy to hear about it, and keep up to date with episodes since then. I’m an avid fan, but not crazy obsessed. I love Rainbow Dash and Ashleigh Ball so much, and I’m honored to be ...
test_data, test_label = c[feature_number -1], d[feature_number -1]; validation_data,validation_label = e[feature_number-1],f[feature_number-1];fromsklearn.neural_networkimportMLPClassifier clf = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=.003, hidden_layer_sizes=(10,), random_state=1, acti...
Hub Welcome to the Twilight Sparkle Fan club!Twilight Sparkle is the faithful student of Princess Celestia who is tasked in studing the magic of friendship. She holds magical powers unknown to even Celestia and she can use these powers, along with the El
示例4: test_gradient ▲点赞 2▼ deftest_gradient():# Test gradient.# This makes sure that the activation functions and their derivatives# are correct. The numerical and analytical computation of the gradient# should be close.forn_labelsin[2,3]: ...
she thought she was ending the friendship circle, not the world, there's a lot of rules that come into play with time travel, the paradox of stopping the books from falling, would have meant that she never learned how to time travel in the first place likely, and it would negate the ...
And Twilight's cutie mark. Her talent is magic, the mark depicts the 6 elements of friendship, and friendship is magic I've been doing quite a bit of research into sacred geometry/ancient structures/alternative physics theory/free energy/etc. this past year, and there really is a lot of ...
test_data, test_label = c[feature_number -1], d[feature_number -1]; validation_data,validation_label = e[feature_number-1],f[feature_number-1];fromsklearn.neural_networkimportMLPClassifier clf = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=.003, hidden_layer_sizes=(10,), random_state=1, acti...