在线看One Second of Spike from Every Episode of MLP 4分钟 7秒。22 1月 2020的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 4 — 已浏览。 9 — 已评价。
10(101) 代言公主Princess Spike 尼尔·达西达 2015年06月20日 斯派克挂着闪闪公主的名头私自做决定,最后把事情办得一团糟。 11(102) 派对历险Party Pooped 尼克·康福尔隆 2015年06月27日 在和牦牛们的会晤彻底失败后,萍琪派临危受命,踏上了前往牦牛居住地的旅途去挽救小马国和牦牦斯坦之间的关系。 12(...
Spike, Baby Dragon #18PremiereFriend (Rare) +0 Solar Wind, Enterprising Astronomer #19PremiereFriend (Rare) +0 Sweetie Sunrise, Early Riser #20PremiereFriend (Common) +0 Gala Appleby, Refined Farmer #21PremiereFriend (Rare) +0 Apple Cobbler, Headstrong #22PremiereFriend (Common) +0 ...
Thorax helping Spike out of his cocoon cage S6E26.png Changelings help Cadance and Shining Armor and return Flurry Heart S6E26.png New changelings looking happy S6E26.png Discord shoves changelings aside and sees Fluttershy S6E26.png Twilight Sparkle looking at her surroundings S6E26.png...
这个本来是要给月舞的礼物 可是… Oh, Spike 穗龙 You know we don't have time for that sort of thing 你该知道我没空做那些事 But we're on a break 可现在是休息时间 No, no, no… no! 不是不是不是不是不是不是 Spike! 穗龙! It's over here! 在这儿呢...
Spike:It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. 这可是夏日节的前一夜 Everypony has to stay up, 小马都不睡觉 or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun! 不然就看不到公主升起太阳了 You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!
Rainbow Dash, even Spike, you have saved my life in so many ways and to that, I will forever be grateful. I can’t begin to put into words how much I love every single one of you and I want to thank you all for bringing me the magic of friendship. I love you forever. Happy ...
and last I know you didn't asked about MLP but I'll still mention in order: Rarity, Luna, Applejack, Spike, Big Mac, Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Apple Bloom, Pinkie Pie, Sweety Belle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo well as you see most of the shows/movies/sitcoms/cart...
Yeah. And you know what I think, Tony, you pointed them to episode 144. I think they all listened to it, because I think it might still be the top listened to podcast in our library. So we just needed to spike our engagement again, so w...
Nightmare Moon: Stand back, you foals! 退下,你们这些小马! Rainbow Dash:Come back here! 给我回来! Nighttime? Forever? 夜晚?永远? Where's she going? 她要去哪? Spike:We gotta stop Nightmare!... 我们得阻止梦魇之月!... Twilight Sparkle:You've been up all night, Spike. ...