02(171) 立校多磨(下)School Daze - Part 2 迈克尔·沃格妮科尔·迪比 2018年03月24日 暮光闪闪和她的学生们尝试让友谊学园免遭小马国教育委员会的关停。 03(172) 地设一对The Maud Couple 尼克·康福尔隆 2018年03月31日 在石灰交了一位令萍琪相当厌恶的男朋友之后,姐妹俩之间如胶如漆的感情面临了...
The Maud Couple 地设一对 Fake It 'Til You Make It 入戏太深 Grannies Gone Wild 愈老弥秀 Surf and/or Turf 见仁见智 Horse Play 本色难演 The Parent Map 父母之心 Non-Compete Clause 反面教材 The Break Up Break Down 难舍难分 Molt Down 破茧成龙 Marks for Effort 曲线入学 The...
And the trend of Season 8 redeeming itself in the second half continues, this was yet another delightful episode! Reveal hidden contents Overall, "Sounds of Silence" is another gem of an episode, and I'll be curious if the last 3 episodes of Season 8 can keep the streak going to the...
Well, it was a show on Netflix I was into when I was younger my first episode was season 1, episode 7 Dragonshy, and then I had no way of watching MLP for a while because back then I lived under a rock and my family got rid of Netflix, and then I rediscovered MLP on Netflix...
It is notable that the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, which features both Ten and Eleven working together, debuted on the same day as the Friendship is Magic season 4 premiere. 第8期 On page 7, Pinkie Pie refers to her friends as "pegasisters", referencing ...
(下) | |- |The Maud Couple |地设一对 | |- |Fake It 'Til You Make It |入戏太深 | |- |Grannies Gone Wild |愈老弥秀 | |- |Surf and/or Turf |见仁见智 | |- |Horse Play |本色难演 | |- |The Parent Map |父母之心 | |- |Non-Compete Clause |反面教材 | |- |The Break...