本季的季尾集“命运魔咒”于2013年2月16日播出。 本季剧情介绍了水晶帝国,以及暮光闪闪因完善咒语成为了天角兽公主。 第四季 在2月初的一段短暂时间里,该剧的音乐作曲家丹尼尔·英格拉姆在他的简历上列出了共91集的全部剧集,除去前三季共65集后,剩下的26集为第四季。在2013年2月20日举行的Las Pegasus Unico...
MLP FiM "Boast Busters" Episode Review 是在优酷播出的动漫高清视频,于2016-06-01 18:43:49上线。视频内容简介:MLP FiM "Boast Busters" Episode Review
Subtitles for Season 5's Episode 13: "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" Started byOnion Sing 3 Replies 7,664 Views 2015 Aug 04, 03:41:51 byfluffycandypuff Subtitles for Season 5's Episode 9: "Slice of Life" (The 100'th Episode) ...
A little tease for what’s in store for #MLPSeason9: our 200th (!) episode! Guest stars! Returning characters! Cool new characters! New songs! Some big revelations! A grand conclusion! Am I being vague enough?. Twitter. 于2019年2月18日检索. ↑ World Screen (2018-09-25). TV Kids ...
We have so many great background ponies, especially in the recent seasons. Many of them are still unnamed. And they all deserve more love. We need a place where we can post our favorite bg ponies and suggest names for the unnamed ones. Why don’t we star
Category:Season N episode galleries Category:第N季图集 Category:Episode gallery pages Category:剧集图集页面 Category:Character gallery pages Category:角色图集页面 Category:Merchandise gallery pages Category:相关商品图集页面 Category:Toys Category:玩具 Category:Software galleries Category:软件图集 Catego...
Twilight's sweeping "dance remix" in The Saddle Row Review Spike and Big Mac's "Guys' Night" chant in Dungeons & Discords; joined by Discord at the end of the same episode Snails' "carrying the water" ditty in Buckball Season Sweetie Belle's brief harmony in The Fault in Our Cutie ...
↑ Season 1,Episode 3 & 4,The Ticket Master & Applebuck Season.于2013年3月25日检索. ↑ KAPSIS' Pinkie Pie mini-figure toy with DVD. ↑ KAPSIS' catalogue (2011-09-21). 于2013年2月11日检索. ↑ My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Front Row Crew Forum.于2012年11月8日检索. ↑ New...
Season N episode galleries |Category:第N季图集 |- |Category:Episode gallery pages |Category:剧集图集页面 |- |Category:Character gallery pages |Category:角色图集页面 |- |Category:Merchandise gallery pages |Category:相关商品图集页面 |- |Category:Toys |Category:玩具 |- |Category:Software galleries |...
{{infobox song |episode = 皇城婚礼(下) |character = [[暮光闪闪]] |sung = [[丽贝卡·萧伊凯特|Rebecca Shoichet]] |image= Twilight sings S02E26.png |music = [[丹尼尔·英格拉姆]]Davey BadiukSam Ryan<ref name="Daniel Ingram's tweet">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/dannyimusic/statu...