S02:EP25 - Hey Foal Sister (Unaired Episode) ByMisty Shadow,Friday at 01:33 AM MLP:FiM Canon Discussion Season 1 Discussion Season 2 Discussion Season 3 Discussion Season 4 Discussion Season 5 Discussion Season 6 Discussion Season 7 Discussion ...
Subtitles for Season 5's Episode 9: "Slice of Life" (The 100'th Episode) Started by Onion Sing 1 Replies6,652 Views 2015 Jun 16, 22:45:00by Mizuki The greatest thing of all time. Started by FruffyWuffy 15 Replies11,354 Views 2015 Jun 16, 05:08:21by FruffyWuffy Thing you ...
Brigostre: well aj for best,i dont have a worst :v im not caught up enough to know wich is my best/worst ep xD oc's well more something that have like a specific theme to them (like egyptian, space etc) i like those, and comic wise lets go generic and say dash academy On 2016...
英文版最新的剧透链接:https://whensiton.com/episode/uprooted/EP013304160240(需要魔法上网:VPN) 第九季各大直播平台来源:http://www.equestriadaily.com/2019/04/my-little-pony-season-9-episode-1-2.html【需要魔法上网:VPN 打开上方链接,划到最下面(如下图),方框里即为直播平台(周六晚11:30开播)】 其...
This symbol represents thecontinuous flow of magical energy in a loop. Crowley often drew a normalpentagramin its center, merging the number5of the pentagram and the number6of the hexagram together into a number11, symbolizing thedivine unity(double one). It's very similar to the5visibleEleme...
25(116) 重塑时光(上)The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1 乔希·哈伯 2015年11月28日 星光熠熠为了向六位主角复仇,施放咒语改变了小马国的历史进程。 26(117) 重塑时光(下)The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2 乔希·哈伯 2015年11月28日 暮光闪闪试图阻止星光熠熠改变小马国的历史,但她担心自己的一切努力都是徒劳...
Henni-Liisa Stam: Twilight Sparkle (FIM: Except season 7 and S8E11-13[1]; EQG: Except Magical Movie Night), Wallflower Blush Sari Ann Stolt: Granny Smith (season 7), Princess Luna (season 2 onwards), Sable Spirit, Scootaloo, Stellar Flare, Spike (FIM: season 2 onwards), Queen Chrysali...
2019年10月11日,在大结局首播的前一天,Discovery Family播出了一部名为《My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - A Decade of Pony》的幕后特辑。特辑简介为:“在这部新的幕后特辑中,《我的小马驹:友谊就是魔法》的创作者、画师和配音演员将邀请观众进入录音室,见证剧集从制作到完成的魔力。与劳伦·浮士德和其他...