P琪 作者 ... 《Embrace the Magic》是《小马国女孩:无尽之森传奇》六首歌曲中的第三首,在电影中,余晖烁烁通过本曲劝说朋友们不要抗拒自己刚刚获得的魔力,而是欣然接受 2月前·江西 1 分享 回复 展开3条回复 ~ ... @👴 🪳@康. 2月前·北京 ...
余晖烁烁来啦, 视频播放量 2068、弹幕量 2、点赞数 124、投硬币枚数 15、收藏人数 33、转发人数 1, 视频作者 E_nqi恩琪, 作者简介 09年热爱音乐的高中生现居温哥华学过几年音乐剧(不算专业)主要更新翻唱,偶尔英配,跳舞小马/音乐剧/迪士尼不定期更新感谢关注!,相
The Midnight in Me 暮光闪闪 90 页 N/A N/A Embrace the Magic 余晖烁烁 142 页 N/A N/A Legend You Were Meant To Be 虹爆 206 页 N/A N/A 我的小马驹:节日特辑 2017 Windy the Windigo 油嘴、滑舌 6页 1:25 N/A Equestria Girls: Make Your Own Magic: Starswirl Do-Over Find th...
(Verse 2) Trotting through the land, love's rhythm we embrace, Magic of the season, in all we chase. Exchanging gifts and warm hugs, joy fills the air, Laughter echoes, 'neath sky's glowing flare. (Outro) Hoofsteps mark our path, our journey's defined, Spreading magic of friendship,...
余晖烁烁在演唱歌曲《Embrace the Magic》 在影片《小马国女孩:无尽之森传奇》中,余晖作为主角登场并帮助暮光战胜了心中的梦魇。在无尽之森营地里,余晖和暮光一起住在蓝宝石帐篷。野营期间,余晖的魔法发生了极大的变化,她可以通过肢体接触感知他人的思想、记忆和感受。
to being completely transparent and trying to get others to accept her for who she is on the surface, I mean Mrs Cake was literally mad at her bc her powers could literally make her job irrelevant, she isn't hiding her powers anymore, now she's mildly being encouraged to embrace them?
【MLP翻唱】原声大碟|大师姐声线翻唱《Embrace The Magic》 02:33 【MLP十二周年】挑战全站最像翻唱!《The Magic Of Friendship Grows》 03:35 【MLP/EQG翻唱】绝美和声|海妖返场《Find The Magic》 02:02 【MLP/EQG翻唱】原声大碟|云宝本人?《Run to Break Free》 02:17 【MLP/EQG翻唱】《What More...
Pinkie's Gala Fantasy SongMLP中文维基 Friendship Games(歌曲)MLP中文维基 Embrace the MagicMLP中文维基 The Pony I Want to Be(重复)MLP中文维基 秋烨MLP中文维基 暗影团MLP中文维基 DJ-3号(EG)MLP中文维基 Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart SpellMLP中文维基 时间旅行MLP中文维基 饮食/第二季MLP中文...
[EQG音乐/调音向]如果Rebecca Shiochet用TS声线唱Embrace the Magic 4546 1 8:29 App [EQG]生肉特别篇Sunset's Backstage Pass DF官方版 2359 10 2:41 App [EQG/音乐合并]当你通过剪辑强行把大师姐的歌凑在一起,,, 2889 1 1:53 App 疑似《小马宝莉 小马国女孩2:彩虹摇滚》的新预告片 1436 -- ...
Perfect Day for Fun•Equestria Girls•Shake Your Tail•Under Our Spell•Rhythm of Our Names•CHS Rally Song•Cold Hooves, Warm Hearts•Rainbow Rocks•The Legend of Everfree•The Midnight in Me•Embrace the Magic•Legend You Were Meant To Be•热舞魔法 ...