谐律精华(英语:Elements of Harmony)是一组魔法神器的合称,通常以五条镶有宝石的项链和一顶同样镶嵌了宝石的皇冠的形式出现[未确定– 有待商榷]。它首次出现于“友谊的魔力(上)”中,并在续集以及多个剧集中出现,在剧中它多次被主角们使用以击败反派。谐律精华源自于谐律之树,但在“终末之始...
谐律精华(英语:Elements of Harmony)是一组魔法神器的合称,通常以五条镶有宝石的项链和一顶同样镶嵌了宝石的皇冠的形式出现[未确定– 有待商榷]。它首次出现于“友谊的魔力(上)”中,并在续集以及多个剧集中出现,在剧中它多次被主角们使用以击败反派。谐律精华源自于谐律之树,但在“终末之始...
Share this checklist: https://data.mlpmerch.com/checklist/48/ G1 Ponies (222) +0 My Pretty PonyYear Zero - My Pretty Pony +0 FireflyYear Two - Pegasus Ponies I +0 MedleyYear Two - Pegasus Ponies I +0 GloryYear Two - Unicorn Ponies I +0 MoondancerYear Two - Unicorn Ponies...
Experimental results show that the color extraction based on the eye-tracking technology and the color scheme screening based on the intelligent algorithm can realize the effective conversion from animated image colors to product colors. This work proposes a color scheme design method from animations ...
Some people make the mistake of putting stripes on a pony. Don’t do it unless it’s a zebra! And if it is, please make sure the colors make sense! No red stripes on black! · Don’t have the same color mane as you did for the body! It just doesn’t work, people. · No ...
manipulated that entrance exam in order to serve as a much more important test than Twilight probably realized. Princess Celestia was more than aware that Nightmare Moon's return was imminent. She NEEDED the Elements of Harmony. She needed the Element of Magic. So she set up this test for ...
Pharynx in a cocoon of bright light S7E17.png Changelings in awe of Pharynx's transformation S7E17.png Wow...! Pharynx gently falling back to the ground S7E17.png Now, all these Changelings look good as new with bright colors. Starlight "I always knew you had it in you!" ...
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当冬季扫除的工作效率变得低下且混乱时,她重整了队伍并及时完成了扫除工作。为此,镇长给予了暮光闪闪“全体指挥官”的职衔。暮光也在剧集“学无所成”“生日厚礼”和“回到未来”中运用了她的组织能力。在《The Art of Equestria》一书中,该任督导杰森·蒂森说过暮光有“淡淡的强迫症”。
在官方参考书籍《My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony》第145页,Hondo Flanks身着一件与剧集中不同的衣服,Cookie Crumbles则与“心想事成”中的穿着相同[5]。该书早于剧集展示了Hondo Flanks的独角以及Cookie Crumbles的可爱标记。 相关商品 在Enterplay集换式卡牌游戏Canterlot Nights扩展包中,带有商标符号...