Here on this page you'll find an overview of all My Little Pony CCG Cards, with a total of 2234 releases. You can click on the CCG Cards images to zoom in or click on any of the links under the images to see more releases of that type.(Shopping links are monitized, we may earn...
“是的,小马国的爱比我见过的其他任何地方都要多,是你的养父母、你的哥哥,还有你的朋友们对你的爱,让你活了下来。不仅如此,你还成为了魔法元素(the element of magic),打败了两个足以毁灭世界的敌人!我真为你骄傲...” “所以,我从家庭和朋友身上得到了足够的爱?那为什么你还要侵略坎特洛?” 邪茧叹了口气...
From all of us together, together we are friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. —— 完善后的咒语 在这之后,暮光再次领悟到了友谊的真谛,完善了星璇的咒语。刚写完咒语,谐律精华便开始闪闪发光,将暮光带到了一个神秘而虚无的空间之中,并将她变为了天角兽[1]...
“真的?你身处你所有朋友之首,持有魔法元素(the Element of Magic),凭‘小马国公主’的称号胜过她们所有。你真的如此谦逊,觉得自己不比她们更为优秀?”薄暮带着洋洋得意的怀疑问道。 “我-我…”暮光眯起眼睛,踩下一只蹄子,“不!翅膀和名号在她们身边不值一提!她们是我的朋友,她们永远都与我平等!没有了她们...
but this inclusion I feel was the best way to move Twilight's character forward as well, she was ready to become a teacher herself and what better student for the element of magic to have than arguably the most powerful magic user in Equestria who in herself is looking to become more soc...
This was all the more heartbreaking an experience for her because she is the Element of Laughter, born with unique magic in her Pinkie sense. Why else is she so clearly different from her family members? She didn't truly start to come alive until the Sonic Rainboom that, like with ...
With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. —— 完善后的咒语 在这之后,暮光再次领悟到了友谊的真谛,完善了星璇的咒语。刚写完咒语,谐律精华便开始闪闪发光,将暮光带到了一个神秘而虚无的空间之中,并将她变为了天角兽[1],而她所代表的谐律精华中的魔法元素变成了她的王冠。
Twilight Sparkle represents the Element of Harmony "magic," and she is an alicorn princess, which is a pony who has both wings and a unicorn horn. Imagine her soaring through the clouds above Equestria with the Rainbow Wings Twilight Sparkle pony figure! This purple pony figure has gorgeous ...
Progressive Element - Legends of Equestria (ExplodingPonyToast Remix) 上传者:DirtyBlackBRONY 02:00 MLP rainbow dash 上传者:优酷用户1654847067299394 03:22 Daniel Ingram - Winter Wrap Up [Ponycide Remix] 上传者:Dringria 02:12 The World of Wonder and Magic 上传者:Dringria 02:33 PMV - You're...
Element descriptions Accept Change Structural Feature Event Action Actuator Association Block Association Block with Owned Ends Binding Connector Block Bound Reference Boundary System Business Requirement Change Structural Feature Event Conform Conjugated Interface Block Constraint Block Constraint Parameter Constraint...