浮士德最初设计的暮光闪闪跟G1的Twilight有着相似的配色以及可爱标记,后者于试播的“Rescue at Midnight Castle”一集出场。之后暮光闪闪的配色改成了一匹G3陆马——Twilight Twinkle的配色,但鬃毛和尾巴略有出入,劳伦·浮士德表示暮光天生长有相间着浅蓝色纹理的深蓝色鬃毛[5];最初暮光闪闪被叫做“Twilight Twinkle”...
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Just like in Ponyville, when Twilight becomes an Alicorn, none of the Mane Six will have their animation artifacts (i.e. Rainbow Dash's cloud, Pinkie Pie's cupcake). When completing the Tree of Harmony, certain tasks must be completed before collecting the gifts. ·11/6/2018 I just had...