1. Rainbow Rocks - It's so aggressively catchy. I have no notes. 2. Friendship Games - The opening and ACADECA are my two favorite songs in the movie if Rainbow Rocks didn't go as hard as it did, it'd be first for me no contest. 3. Equestria Girls - I really LOVE the FiM re...
If they wanted to make it canon to the show, then they should make the movie tie to the plot with the things it added which it didn't. So, that can be considered a blessing for some who aren't impressed or moved by the EG series with the 2 movies and the upcoming Equestria Academ...
The Movie-6 Open Up Your Eyes 放眼看世界 04:30 The Movie-7 Rainbow 雨后彩虹 03:29 The Movie-8 Off To See The World 启程去探索世界 03:06 EG-S1 Rise Up 冲向顶端 02:35 EG-S1 Room To Grow 成长空间 02:52 Equestria Girls Theme_小马国女孩主题曲 00:33 EG We've Come So Far_友谊经...
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Movie Magic 小马国女孩:电影魔法 小马国之魔力电影 My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic 小马国女孩:镜中魔法 小马国之魔力镜子 My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship 小马国女孩:被遗忘的友谊 小马宝莉大电影6:被遗忘的友谊 不同平台的译名不同 ...
主条目:云宝黛茜(EG) 小马国女孩 《小马国女孩》中的云宝黛茜 在《小马国女孩》一部中,云宝黛茜陪同暮光闪闪参加了水晶帝国举办的峰会,而且她还目睹到余晖烁烁偷走了暮光闪闪的皇冠。在平行世界中,云宝的人类形态是一位高中生。 小马国女孩:彩虹摇滚 在续集《小马国女孩:彩虹摇滚》中,云宝黛茜曾在暮光闪闪的...
The Movie-6 Open Up Your Eyes 放眼看世界 04:30 The Movie-7 Rainbow 雨后彩虹 03:29 The Movie-8 Off To See The World 启程去探索世界 03:06 EG-S1 Rise Up 冲向顶端 02:35 EG-S1 Room To Grow 成长空间 02:52 Equestria Girls Theme_小马国女孩主题曲 00:33 EG We've Come So Far_友谊经...
1.png This is Chattebox EG versión, i edited the both bases with photoshop and paint so looks but ain't perfect i was about to say CadenceDerp had the best but damn I really like yours lol. I'm terrible amused at EG ocs. Seeing as how a OC is representation of ourselves in pon...
主条目:瑞瑞(EG) 小马国女孩 瑞瑞在小马国女孩中的出场 在《小马国女孩》中,瑞瑞与暮暮一起在水晶帝国参加了后者的第一次公主峰会,她还亲眼目睹了余晖烁烁偷走暮暮的王冠的全过程。在平行世界里,人类形态的瑞瑞是一名高中学生。 小马国女孩:彩虹摇滚 瑞瑞在《小马国女孩:彩虹摇滚》中短暂地露面,在友谊城堡里与...
主条目:云宝黛茜(EG) 小马国女孩 《小马国女孩》中的云宝黛茜 在《小马国女孩》一部中,云宝黛茜陪同暮光闪闪参加了水晶帝国举办的峰会,而且她还目睹到余晖烁烁偷走了暮光闪闪的皇冠。在平行世界中,云宝的人类形态是一位高中生。 小马国女孩:彩虹摇滚 在续集《小马国女孩:彩虹摇滚》中,云宝黛茜曾在暮光闪闪的...
For this character's human counterpart, see Applejack (EG). Applejack is a female Earth pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives and works at Sweet Apple Ac... Princess Spike | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom Princess Spike is...