Derpy HoovesMuffins 小呆 马芬 Diamond Mint Diamond Rose 钻石玫瑰 Diamond TiaraDiamond Dazzle Tiara 珠玉冠冠 提亚拉 CMC的同学,白银勺勺的闺蜜 Discord 无序 剧中反派之一,后改邪归正 Dishwater Slog 脏水溅 洗刷刷 Ditzy Doo 小呆 呆小多 Dizzy 晕菜 小雏菊 驱雾的外号 Doc Top Doctor Horse ...
“神秘博士(Doctor Whooves)!”方块大叫道,这亲热劲儿好像他认识这只小马老久了。 “对,也有些小马这么叫我。”博士承认道,“我其实还挺喜欢的,如果你明白我的意思啊,这可是个经典玩笑啦。” 博士和方块好一阵大笑,小呆这下子比刚才还迷糊了。 “我说,博士,”小呆最后说道,“我需要你的帮助,这只小马一直...
Two Dr. Hooves appear standing next to each other in the last panel on page 3, one with a messy mane commonly associated with "Ten", the other with a swoopy mane, a fez, and a bow-tie characteristic of "Eleven". It is notable that the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day...
had something unusual in them (Lyra's sitting pose, Bon Bon's voices, Derpy's eyes, Dr. Whooves's similarity to the Doctor, etc.) that differentiated them from the other BG "pieces of scenery". Now almost every new BG pony is unique, and that is what makes them less interesting for...
Derpy HoovesMuffins 小呆 马芬 Diamond Mint Diamond Rose 钻石玫瑰 Diamond TiaraDiamond Dazzle Tiara 珠玉冠冠 提亚拉 CMC的同学,白银勺勺的闺蜜 Discord 无序 剧中反派之一,后改邪归正 Dishwater Slog 脏水溅 洗刷刷 Ditzy Doo 小呆 呆小多 Dizzy 晕菜 小雏菊 驱雾的外号 Doc Top Doctor Horse ...