G3.5 Ponies Database Ponyville Figures Database Generation 4 G4 Blind Bag Database G4 Brushable Database Equestria Girls Database Guardians of Harmony Database Cutie Mark Crew Database Hasbro POP Ponies Database Playskool Ponies Database G4 Plush Database G4 Other Figures Database Basic Fun ...
Games Ponies Play 阴差阳错 申办大赛 Magical Mystery Cure 命运魔咒 紫悦公主 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1 闪闪公主(上) 紫悦公主(上) Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 闪闪公主(下) 紫悦公主(下) Castle Mane-ia 古城魔影 迷之城堡 Daring Don't 共度难关 无畏天马的真相 Flight to ...
I remember playing with my G3 ponies when I was very very young, in fact I still have them! Sunny Daze, Strawberry Swirl, Butterscotch, Daisyjo, and G3 Pinkie Pie. When G4 came into existence I had grown out of my pony ways a little bit but watching a couple episodes of FIM ...
Big McIntosh: Eeyup. Applejack: Why of all the... This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies? Big McIntosh: But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds o' apple trees just doesn't add up to... Applejack: Don't you us...
澳大利亚的My Little Pony Wedding促销网站的Meet the Ponies页面使用了银甲闪闪的同人作品,[7]其中他的名字被写成“Shining Armour”,还重新采用了韵律公主的大型发声玩具包装上的描述“韵律公主等不及要嫁给她的王子——银甲闪闪了。”[8] 在2013年5月16日,《My Little Pony》的欧洲区西班牙语官方脸书账号推送了...
Greetings Ponies. Today we keep the Windigo with the warmth of friendship. Let the magic of friendship flow through us all. Share your gifts given or received or just great hearths warming memories here.
Applejack: Apple Bloom! Hush and let the big ponies talk. Apple Bloom: [under breath] I am a big pony! Rainbow Dash: W-what about digging at the ground? You've got to admit that's weird. Fluttershy: What if she's digging for innocent creatures?
Confound these ponies, they drive me to create! My Little Investigations started as just a personal project that I expected maybe a couple people to care about. I had no idea it would get as big as it has, but I’m super psyched that it has! We’ve got big plans ahead that will ...
and my little brother started watching EQG and while at first I was strongly against seeing it, as I thought the humified ponies looked weird, he eventually pulled me into watching Rainbow Rocks, and I said, "Hey, I actually like this, and this sin't the first movie, can we watch the...
第二季的前三集在美国东部时间周日的上午9:00首映,随后的15集除第17集外均在美国东部时间上午10:00首映,而第17集在We Heart Ponies Fan Favorite Mare-a-thon活动后于美国东部时间上午10:30首映,剩余的剧集均在美国东部时间下午1:00首映,除了第25集在第25集结束后紧随之于下午1:30播放。 东森幼幼台于第一...