This is the official implementation of the paper "MotionMixer: MLP-based 3D Human Body Pose Forecasting" (IJCAI 2022, oral-presentation). - MotionMLP/MotionMixer
title={MotionMixer: MLP-based 3D Human Body Pose Forecasting}, author={Bouazizi, Arij and Holzbock, Adrian and Kressel, Ulrich and Dietmayer, Klaus and Belagiannis, Vasileios}, booktitle={2022 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022)}, year={2022}, @inproce...
Timo Von Marcard, Roberto Henschel, Michael J. Black, Bodo Rosenhahn, and Gerard Pons-Moll. Recovering Accurate 3D Human Pose in the Wild Using IMUs and a Moving Camera. In European Conference on Computer Vision, 2018. 4.2 结果 Human3.6m ...
Motionmixer: Mlp-based 3d human body pose forecasting. arXiv 2022, arXiv:2207.00499. [Google Scholar] Guo, W.; Du, Y.; Shen, X.; Lepetit, V.; Alameda-Pineda, X.; Moreno-Noguer, F. Back to mlp: A simple baseline for human motion prediction. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter...