Mlo gene cDNA sequence.A full-length cDNA encoding an Mlo-like protein was isolated and characterized in a Triticum aestivum L.-Haynaldia villosa L. 6VS/6AL translocation line. The putative protein consists of 534 amino acid residues,which contain a nuclear localization motif (NLS), nine ...
Yes associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ), the main effectors of the Hippo pathway, are reported to play a role in mechanotransduction and during osteoblastogenesis. Here, we hypothesized that YAP/TAZ signaling mediates osteocyte mechanosensing to target...
How the major antigenic protein from SPWB phytoplasma compares to these proteins should be explored and answered. Fu...Seddas A, Meignoz R, Daire X, Boudon-Padieu E, Goschl M (1993) Purification of grapevine flavescence doree MLO (mycoplasma- like organism) by immunoaffinity. Current ...
Opalski KS, Schultheiss H, Kogel KH, Huckelhoven R (2005) The receptor-like MLO protein and the RAC/ROP family G-protein RACB modulate actin reorganization in barley attacked by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Plant J 41: 291-303...
P-proteinRibes houghtonianum Janczyellows diseaseMLO containing invaginations were found in protoplasts of phloem parenchyma cells in symptomless young leaves of Ribes houghtonianum Jancz . infected with a yellows disease. The invaginations originate between the cell wall and plasmalemma, usually at...
The cells produce extensive, complex dendritic processes and are positive for T-antigen, for osteopontin, for the neural antigen CD44, and for connexin 43, a protein found in gap junctions. This cell line also produces very small amounts of type I collagen mRNA compared with primary o...
The cells produce extensive, complex dendritic processes and are positive for T‐antigen, for osteopontin, for the neural antigen CD44, and for connexin 43, a protein found in gap junctions. This cell line also produces very small amounts of type I collagen mRNA compared with primary ...