Mammogram view classification is a preliminary step in content based mammogram retrieval system and this study aims at automatic classification of mammogram based on the standard mammographic views namely CC view and MLO view. The proposed methodology is tested with 320 images, which includes CC view...
Mammogram is one of the effective techniques for early detection of breast cancer. Breast masses can be classified into normal, benign and malignant categories that play an important role in the area of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer. MLO (Medio Lateral Oblique) view and CC (...
Mammogram view classification is a preliminary step in content based mammogram retrieval system and this study aims at automatic classification of mammogram based on the standard mammographic views namely CC view and MLO view. The proposed methodology is tested with 320 images, which includes CC view...
mammogrammediolateraloblique(MLO)viewThe aim of this study was to develop a fully automated deep learning approach for identification of the pectoral muscle on mediolateral oblique (MLO) view mammograms and evaluate its performance in comparison to our previously developed texture-field orientation (TFO)...
By combining the classifier ensemble framework with similarity features, we are able to improve mass classification performance in two-view analysis. In this study, 192 mammogram cases were collected from the public DDSM database (DB) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms...