Opalski KS, Schultheiss H, Kogel KH, Huckelhoven R (2005) The receptor-like MLO protein and the RAC/ROP family G-protein RACB modulate actin reorganization in barley attacked by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Plant J 41: 291-303...
vesca-like domain structures (Fig. 4). However, one to three homeologs of some FaMLO proteins, including FaMLO3, FaMLO4, FaMLO5, FaMLO10, FaMLO12, FaMLO13, FaMLO14, FaMLO16, FaMLO17, FaMLO18, FaMLO19, and FaMLO20, showed more diverse protein structures indicating a distinct ...
However, shorter MLO-like sequences have been described in many plant species including tomato31, cucumber32, soy- bean15, strawberry17 and apple17. Thus, these sequences might represent a new family of membrane-proteins not considered before. The MLO genes were widely distributed over the ...
TM),蛋白激酶(protein kinase, PK),亮氨酸拉链(leucine zipper, LZ) 和Toll/白介素一1同源区域 (Toll-Interlenkin-1 like receptor, TIR). 卜 第一章 文献综述 根据R基因编码的蛋白结构特点,可将己克隆的R基因分为5大类[21, ① NBS-LRR类R荃因 ...
cultureonexpressionandlocationofPKD2proteinandtheintracellularCa concentrationofmouseosteocyte-likeMLO—Y4cel1.Also wewanttounderstandtheroleofPKD2intheprocessofMLO—Y4responsdingtomechanicalstimulation.Methods:Mouse osteocyte.1ikeMLO-Y4cellwereculturedundertheconditionof2D—Clinorotafion. ...
The two scaffold types tested included 13-93 glass fiber and trabecular-like scaffolds seeded with murine MLO-A5 cells and cultured for intervals of 2 to 12 days. Culture in MTT-containing medium showed metabolically active cells both on the surface and within the interior of the scaffolds. ...
收稿日期: 2012-01-13 修回日期: 2012-03-17 编辑: 楼立理Pulsed electromagnetic fields affect phenotype and connexin 43 protein expression in MLO-Y4 osteocyte-like cells and ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like cells. Lohmann CH,Schwartz Z,Liu Y,et al. Journal of Orthodontics . 2003...
The phe- notype of Eth295 supports the hypothesis of Buschges et al.12 that the Mlo protein negatively regulates multiple defence-related processes with the severity of the phenotype dependent on the strength of the mutation in inhib- iting Mlo protein formation. We examined the structure and ...
Wu et al.32 has demonstrated that the spectrin can selectively control the Ca2+ release and Ca2+ entry through interaction with protein 4.1, and this finding not only detailed the conformational model33 and secretion-like model of Ca2+ entry34, but also implicated an important role of spectrin...
(G la)一 containing protein (osteocalcin) incalcif ying tissues of rat. D iflferenti ati on 1 98 8;37 f2):1 23—3 6. O hat T ,M ori M ,O gaw a K ,M at suyama T ,Ishii S .Immu noc y— toc hemi c al loc ali z at ion o f B G P i n h um man bones i n ...