1、若使用操作系统命令进行安装(rpm) 使用rpm -qa | grep mlnx查看已安装的软件,并获取mlnx_tools软件名,使用 rpm -e xxx.rpm 卸载 2、若使用操作系统命令进行安装(dpkg) 使用dpkg -l | grep mlnx查看已安装的软件,并获取mlnx_tools软件名,使用 dpkg - r xxx.deb 卸载 ...
mlnx_tools工具通过编译方式安装,重启操作系统后,组bond的网口down 需要卸载该压缩包,更换为rpm或者dpkg方式安装mlnx_tools工具 收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2025-02-08 文档编号:EDOC1100260598 浏览量:25897 下载量:551 平均得分: 0.0 分 分享
https://network.nvidia.com/products/adapter-software/firmware-tools Firmware Downloadshttps://network.nvidia.com/support/firmware/firmware-downloads Creating Metapackages and Installing OFED on Multiple Servers (RPM-Based Systems) By building the packages using install.pl, the RPMs will be created ...
https://network.nvidia.com/products/adapter-software/firmware-tools Firmware Downloadshttps://network.nvidia.com/support/firmware/firmware-downloads Creating Metapackages and Installing OFED on Multiple Servers (RPM-Based Systems) By building the packages using install.pl, the RPMs will be created ...
(grep -Ev "centos|fedora" /root/convert/node-installer-rpm-list-begin.log | grep -v gpg-pubkey | column -s\| -t | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ')" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf # dnf check -v Loaded plugins: builddep, changelog, config-manager, copr, debug, debuginfo-install,...
RPM-based distributions, to install OFED on a different kernel, create a new ISO image using mlnx_add_kernel_support.sh script (see the MLNX_OFED User Manual for instructions) • Upgrading MLNX_OFED on a cluster requires upgrading all of its nodes to the newest version as well • If...
Workaround: Remove the infiniband-diags package using rpm -e. Keywords: Installation, infiniband-diags Discovered in Release: 5.1- 23 Internal Ref. Number 2248996 Issue Description: Downgrading the firmware version for ConnectX-6 cards using "mlnx_ofed_in stall --fw-update-only --force-...
# wget -qO - http: //www.mellanox.com/downloads/ofed/RPM-GPG-KEY-Mellanox | sudo apt-key add - Verify that the key was successfully imported. Example: # apt-key list pub 1024D/A9E4B643 2013 - 08 - 11 uid Mellanox Technologies <support @mellanox .com> ...
Upgraded RHEL 6.4 host with 2 5110P to MPSS 3.3.1 (latest) Trying to install MLNX OFED 2.1.x support as described in paragraph 2.1 of MPSS-Users_Guide. No issues with compiling new set of drivers from source, but failed depndencies when i try to install them: ...
https://network.nvidia.com/products/adapter-software/firmware-tools Firmware Downloadshttps://network.nvidia.com/support/firmware/firmware-downloads Creating Metapackages and Installing OFED on Multiple Servers (RPM-Based Systems) By building the packages using install.pl, the RPMs will be created ...