动视旗下的电竞广播公司MLG(Major League Gaming)宣布将于12月16日至18日在拉斯维加斯举行MLGVegas站比赛,项目包括《使命召唤:无限战争》和《守望先锋》,两者的总奖金都是10万美元。 《守望先锋》在MLG Vegas的比赛将是一场邀请制的锦标赛,将会有8支队伍参赛。 《使命召唤》的比赛则是属于Call of Duty World L...
This weekend, MLG is hosting $100,000 'Overwatch' and 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' tournaments in Las Vegas. Major League Gaming will be hosting 'Overwatch' and 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' tournaments this weekend at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. ...
Canadian-born esports star Damon “Karma” Barlow was named MVP after his team Optic Gaming emerged victorious at the MLG Orlando Open on Sunday. Your@KontrolFreekMVP from the@CallofDuty#MLGOrlandoOpen Champion:@OpTic_DKarma! 🏆💍💍pic.twitter.com/9CFAMtbDw5 Congratulations@OpT...
Call of Duty MLG CEO: MLG.TV earns broadcasters more money than Twitch ByEmanuel MaibergpublishedJanuary 15, 2014 Gaming Industry MLG unveils 2014 Dota 2 league schedule, finale set for Anaheim Spring Championship ByPatrick CarlsonpublishedOctober 2, 2013 ...
This tournament marks the first timeCall of Duty: Ghostshas been used by the MLG for tournament play, but it was still the third consecutive Call of Duty win at an MLG event for compLexity. To walk away with the prize, compLexity defeated the underdog, 21st seeded JusTus Pro, while sixth...
过去MLG一直债务缠身,而且在去年早些时候,动视暴雪曾联合MLG竞争对手、另电子竞技组织ESL拿下了《使命召唤:世界联盟》(the Call of Duty World League)锦标赛的举办权,令MLG压力倍增。此后,MLG开始接手大型赛事,诸如《使命召唤》(the Call of Duty games)、《星际争霸》(StarCraft)和《反恐精英:全球攻势》(Counter-...
Another day of competition in Anaheim has passed, and that leaves a single Sunday of mayhem in the2016 MLG Anaheim Call of Duty Championships! #TeamSCUF has been thrilled to see such excitement from so many loyal fans. We enjoyed seeing all of your #SCUFFIEs taken yesterday at the SCUF bo...
For those of you that like to follow the more competitive side of gaming, you've no doubt heard about Major League Gaming, or MLG. The organization regularly puts on tournaments and competitions for games such as Starcraft, League of Legends, Super Smash Bros., and Call of Duty; pitting ...
Major League Gaming (MLG)held the first-everCall of Duty: Ghoststournament this past weekend with over $50,000 in cash and prizes at stake, naming the very firstGhostschampion, compLexity Gaming. Not to be outshined,Dota 2fans came together to raise $136,000 in a competition that saw favo...
Forum:Call of Duty Clans Introducing Call of Duty: WWII MLG GB Tournaments Competitive players, we’ve got a major update for you. For the first time, Call of Duty: WWII players in the Americas and select Asian territories will be able to register for and manage MLG GameBattles tournaments...